Ikonic Sattel, Bedeutung der Nummer?
Ich hatte lange Zeit einen Ikonic Sattel einer Freundin zum Testen.
Nun möchte ich den selben Sattel.
Im Internet finde ich zig die genauso aussehen, aber die Nummer im Sattel nicht übereinstimmt. Ist das trotzdem das selbe Modell? Der selbe Sattel? Blick da net durch…
The number will be a serial number, so of course this is never the same, refers to the respective model. How Ikonik puts his number together, but I don’t know in detail. But every model has a name, don’t you know what your girlfriend’s name is? Isn’t there any bill you can look at?
She bought it also used. Model is “Classic” but no longer exists, the model “Evolution” looks just like… is probably the newer version. But I’m not sure if it’s 1zu1 the same saddle… the numbers don’t have to be identical and it can still be the same saddle?
As I said, I don’t know in detail how the SN is putting together at this brand. Often this is a combination of model, production period, continuous No. Just ask.