Ihr habt Geburtstag und ladet eure beste Freundin/ Freund ein, doch plötzlich sind viele fremde Leute mit dabei?

Euer Freund/ Freundin hat viele für euch fremde Leute einfach mitgenommen. Er kennt sie natürlich. Wie reagiert ihr?

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2 months ago

It’s a difficult situation. To send people away when they are already there, I also find something rude (although understandable). I’d let her in, but I’d tell the friend that you don’t like it and he shouldn’t do that again in the future without asking you before. Since you don’t know these people, your friend should also take responsibility for them when they behave.

2 months ago
Reply to  Bird1242

That’s what I find.

2 months ago

Since I,

dear JMsummer,

come from a business lunch with lots of public transport and as a single child always brought my friends and their friends home, it wouldn’t be strange to me, but very pleasant if my best friend had a load of his friends on my birthday!

Because with my friend I connect an intimate heart relationship and his friends are also my friends – and vice versa! So I would be very happy if I had the opportunity through my birthday to get to know more of his friends and my birthday party would be very soon a cheerful knowledge-learning party and an exchange of stories about my friend, me and his friends and the sampling where we have common things everywhere, as we realized that we understand very well!

At the end of the day, I would be happy and would like to thank my friend for the nice hours that I have been allowed to experience with his friends through him, especially since I would have noticed that I had a few friends on my birthday with this experience!

That’s how I’d be on my birthday on 5. August already consider when we could repeat this experience and fell as the next date of my friend’s birthday on 15th October, so I asked him to finish, if he agreed that we would celebrate his birthday with me and again with his friends, as this was so beautiful! And as I know my friend, he immediately agreed cheerfully and would look forward to his birthday in joyful expectation!

So it happened to us, dear JMsummer, if my friend unexpectedly, a handful of me until then unknown friends were on my birthday!

Then I thank you, dear JMsummer, for your good question that I felt as an enrichment, and if it ever felt that my friend, my dear Uwe, a Munich child, would be very happy for my birthday party!

All love and good luck!

Greetings and good wishes!


2 months ago

I would jump over my shadow and welcome and host the people who were also brought as my guests. If only some people are involved and not 10 or more.

If the celebration is over, I would talk to the girlfriend a few words, because I don’t like such surprises at all.

I’ve never been in such a situation before and it won’t happen either. I think it’s very bad.

2 months ago

My best friend would never do that, or she wouldn’t be my best friend.

People wouldn’t get in my apartment, I wouldn’t have a problem sending everyone away.

If I’m in a pub, (I’ve done it before), it’s natural, but I don’t pay for these people.

2 months ago

Hello, JMsummer..

If I invite birthday guests, and the invited guests are still bringing strange guests, I just have to be good at it, then the party ran…

What else is it, a buddy calls me, the unexpected visit, got a bigger trip, and he asks me if he can bring his visit. I don’t have to think about it, because of course he can bring the visit.

Greetings, Renate. 😊

2 months ago

That’s what I’d find rude and I wouldn’t let all the unloaded guests in.

And I would like to speak a clear word with the colleague who brought them all.

My loaded friends wouldn’t do that real.

2 months ago

This gives mecker: my birthday = my guests. At least under 4 eyes, there is a clear statement.

2 months ago

I wouldn’t be very pleased about it.

2 months ago

I’d just let the people I invited.

2 months ago

I would feel uncomfortable and ask them why

2 months ago

When you get home, nobody gets in.

If I get 1 location, everyone can get in

2 months ago

I find that unharmed and would send these strange guests home.

2 months ago

Depends on how many extra appear and whether I know people at all. I’m really very kind and I’m trying to regulate it.̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄

2 months ago

Then it’s very strange friends when they bring someone else.

2 months ago

The strangers will be kicked out again and I’ll ask my best friend what that should be.