IHK Fortbildungsprüfung Wirtschaftsfachwirt Berufserfahrung?
Hallo zusammen,
Ich interessiere mich für die IHK Fortbildungsprüfung zum Wirtschaftsfachwirt.
In den Zulassungsvoraussetzungen zur Prüfung werden für Teil 2 der Prüfung 1 Jahr Berufserfahrung benötigt.
Nun zu meiner Frage: Zum Prüfungstermin hätte ich 11 Monate Berufserfahrung. Hat wer evtl. schon Erfahrung damit gemacht? Wird da evtl. aufgerundet? Ich würde ungerne ein halbes Jahr auf den nächsten Termin warten. Gibt es Alternativen?
Vielen Dank!
I did this training a few years ago. But it’s more likely to get away with it. Better take one of the other specialists specializing in a particular industry, a specific field of activity.
With the WFW, many companies can still start little.
This makes sense only if it is the intermediate step to an even higher degree, so BWL studies or similar.
he already has 1. Examination part behind or am I wrong?
I read this more so that so far there is only interest.
I’m just informing myself, I haven’t completed an exam yet. The aim is to have the economist enrolled in the course of his studies, in order to save costs and time. Some universities give up to 80 ECTS. I am aware that the WFW is not very respected.
It doesn’t make any sense. You want to save costs and time in your studies, but before studying you do a further education for around 3500€ and invest well 1.5 to 2 years before studying. Just so you don’t have to do this in your studies?
In your studies, it’s taken through and you’re paying enough money anyway. So it’s time and money.
The only thing I’d say is that it makes sense if you’re not sure if you can make your studies or don’t go through why. Then you still have a relatively high degree which is also very much appreciated by many companies.
Perfect. The training is very suitable for this.
The plan was to complete the exam without preparation course. I wanted to get old learning materials and old exams, as IHK regularly repeats the topics and tasks. Examination plus material would be approx. 1000€ – With the WFW I could then make the BWL Bachelor in 3 semesters, therefore the thought of money and time savings.
No, there are no alternatives and I’m really wondering what you’re looking at now.
You already knew what to do for the first and second part of the exam at the start of the training.
The only thing you can do is ask your employer to do a little” in which he will issue you an internship certificate for the month before your employment relationship has begun.
Ask your IHK on site, this is sometimes completely individual, as the ones regulate it.