IHK Fachkunde Güterkraftverkehr und Omnibus Unternehmen?
Guten Tag,
ich und ein Verwandter möchten uns ausbreiten und bräuchten dafür die Fachkunde in Güterkraftverkehr und die Fachkunde im Omnibusunternehmen. Nun zu meiner Frage. Hat jemand von euch schon Erfahrung mit diesen Prüfungen bei der IHK? Gibt es irgendwelche Voraussetzungen (Wir haben keinen Führerschein für LKW oder Omnibus, aber kennen schon Leute die für uns fahren würden mit dem Führerschein).
Wie sind die Prüfungen so? Wir haben beide ein Studium absolviert und beherrschen die deutsche Sprache in Schrift und Wort sehr gut.
Danke für die Antworten
The tests are not without. If you have no experience in the industry, you have to learn properly. You can’t do that.
Important is also: The license for freight transport the if all conditions are fulfilled. For passenger transport can if all conditions are fulfilled. In other words, if a person licence is used, the competent authority may refuse to “just as such”.
This exam is successful, then you can apply for a Eurolicense. A demand that you get one in your county is useful beforehand.
You will submit the exam in writing, if necessary you will be called to confirm the exam. The certificate is sent by the IHK.
So, invoicing, CMR, cost accounting, etc., everyone should be known, but don’t have to start.
Thanks for the detailed answer! Wish you the best
PS: I would think very well, have sold everything, happy, in time!
That’s not how I remember it, but it’s not without!
Could you possibly tell me how you took the exam? Could you prepare for the exam? Are the 2x two hours (Public part) behind each other?
I am currently learning with the documents of the publishing house “Vogel”.
We have another company that offers various services. The contracting entities have given us orders several times that we could not execute because we do not own the licenses.
Before, for example, these prices for fuel, etc.
Like orders? You don’t have a Euro license and no transport company, no orders.
Could I ask why? We have already received orders that we unfortunately had to refuse, as we do not have this specialist.
Certificate of Expertise Freight Transport – IHK Region Stuttgart
Certificate of Expertise Bus Transport – IHK Region Stuttgart
simply read
IHK certificates are recognized throughout Germany. would be more beautiful if not
That’s interesting. Come from the vicinity of Cologne and here the dates are already booked.
Thanks for the answer