Ignorieren mich meine Kollegen im Praktikum wegen meinem Freund?
ich mache momentan ein Praktikum und habe nur noch ein paar Tage dort. Vorgestern hat mich mein Freund abgeholt, und wir sind danach zusammen rausgegangen, Händchen haltend. Seitdem habe ich das Gefühl, dass mich die Leute im Praktikum ignorieren. Es tut mir irgendwie leid, aber vielleicht bilde ich mir das auch nur ein. Falls meine Vermutung stimmt, möchte ich aber nichts Großes daraus machen, weil ich ja in ein paar Tagen sowieso gehe. Was meint ihr, wie sollte ich damit umgehen?
Stop with your friend, and the problem is done.
Delete your profile and the world is free from your insane as well as unnecessary comments.
It’s just a proposal. He should look for a good friend and finally soon get children to increase the population in Germany
The same goes for you. LGBTQ+ will always be part of your life. In addition, a small suggestion: finally get off this commentary section.
At that time there were no lgbt cattle, and the world was more beautiful. You can’t have everything in your life.
I think the economy would be more stable without you. The pension will be wasted on you in the future. Poor state.
I’m not old-fashioned, but think about how to improve Germany. With more children we have more workers who pay for our pension and other social systems. We get more children in Germany if we avoid the lgbt kack and completely prohibit abortions.
Take care of making you useful on this app. If your life goal is necessarily the increase in the population in Germany, go to the street and demonstrate for it. Finally, the LGBTQ+ community was more successful.
I’m sure that’s all just an education
Maybe they didn’t want to bother you
You never know
That’s bullshit. Nobody cares about that.