Identifizieren mit Ausweisfoto?

Ich hatte neulich praktische Fahrprüfung und hatte meinen Ausweis verloren. Ich habe mich es mit einem Foto versucht, beidseitig doch der Prüfer lehnte ab. Laut Passgesetz sind doch Ausweiskopien erlaubt, oder?

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2 years ago


According to the passport law, passports are allowed, aren’t they?

The copies in itself are allowed – but this does not change the fact that for identification the document in the original must be present.

A photo is now much easier to falsify than an identity card.

I had a practical driving test the other day and lost my ID.

Then a loss indicator and a new (preliminary) ID would have been the solution.


2 years ago
Reply to  Dougan

Whoever comes too late punishes life, you genius.

2 years ago

Yes, it is allowed to create copies that can be seen as a copy, e.g. via a printer.

But the copy is in cases where you have to prove yourself with ID not valid because it is not a valid ID document.

2 years ago

A photo on both sides, whatever that should be, is not enough. Passport would have been enough. You can’t get into a plane with a photo as an ID.

2 years ago


Copies are easy to fake.

2 years ago

Identification copies are not valid legitimation.