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2 years ago

So if you think about Fantasy: I would really like to read something where the 4 elements so fire wind water earth so play a roll zb. in the form of 4 peoples with the respective elements where again e.g. the air is living above the clouds.

These are just examples as I said!!! But it would be really nice in the direction, but it would be creative that is the great thing about it:D

2 years ago

What’s going on? When one develops ideas from others, a lot of the actual history is lost…

Tell what you’ve thought so far and you may find suggestions or improvements here.

2 years ago

Taking other ideas is more difficult because you can never do it than your own sales and always take the risk of being accused (theft of intellectual property). Tell others about your idea and make your idea a perfect story from their comments/improvements.

2 years ago

I don’t think working with the starting point and motivation to write a book.

2 years ago

Selling strange stories as your own is theft!

2 years ago
Reply to  AylinLupin

Who tells me you’re a ghost writer?

2 years ago

Thank you, that was the second shortest application!