Ideen Geschichte?

Hi ich würde gerne eine Geschichte schrieben über 2 extreme. Einmal die hässliche dicke Freundin und einmal die perfekte hübsche beste Freundin und jede von beiden hat ihre eigenen Probleme. Die dicke fühlt sich immer nur als deko also steht nur daneben, bekommt nie die Aufmerksamkeit der Jungs und wenn nur um an die Freundin ran zu kommen. Sie wird gemobbt etc. Und die hübsche dünne hat zb eine essstörung, wird nur auf ihr perfektes Aussehen reduziert usw. Ansich bietet diese extreme Kombination gutes Konfliktpotential und Stoff für eine Handlung, allerdings fehlen mir die Ideen für den plot also den Ablauf einer Handlung, was passiert, was erleben Sie vielleicht und wie könnte eine storyline aussehen oder was findet ihr gut?

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1 year ago


This might be a stupid idea, but it could be a boy. The beautiful boys are really going after, but this pretty boy finds her ‘ugly’ girlfriend better. It makes her jealous, because she finds him beautiful, etc.

It is good-looking: muscular, large, pretty eyes, long eyelashes, etc.

But he doesn’t care for the beauty, but for her friend and friends with her. The pretty one gets jealous and drives it so far that she loses her girlfriend and comes this one together with the boy.(That’s how you can fully expand your love story I find)

At the end they reconcile or not.

It’s just an idea, I read and watch too many dramas….

Lg Jaxky

1 year ago
Reply to  alina3024

Thank you. I hope that’s true. Help

1 year ago

It’s a difficult subject. In my opinion, you mix two things.

On the one hand, you have the biology on one side. Say you have a person and the associated body, and also the influence that man has on this body.

On the other hand, social ideas and constructs that take this biological “developments” and redefined. Maybe so new and strange that it is completely irrational.

When I listen to this idea, I have the idea that you could perfectly represent a kind of critical world view.
The animal that is also in civilized people. Like things that don’t affect you to provoke you to bad behavior. Maybe even how far this would go.

I think I can do a lot.