ideen für weihnachtsgeschenke gutscheine?

für meinen freund hab ich schon was

für meine schwester ein parfüm und eine kette

für meine oma und meine tante hab ich jeweils was bezüglich ihrer katzen (teppich und so ein aufgestelltes lichtdings mit katzenbildern)
die beiden haben ja 4 main coon katzen im haus und lieben ihre katzen so sehr

für meinen gläubigen onkel ein shirt mit nem jesus spruch drauf

und nun brauch ich nur noch was für meine eltern

fändet ihr einen gutschein okay?
also wellnessgutscheine oderso (das machen sie gerne, machen es aber nie weils geld kostet und bei gutscheinen machen sies dann doch)

weil bei denen ist das sonst soo schwer. Die beklagen sich immer über leute die ihnen ramsch schenken…

was meint ihr? gutscheine okay?
aber das ist so wenig um es unterm baum zu verschenken, das sieht so klein aus dann oder?

ich möchte ihnen halt allen so richtig ne freude machen.. aber es ist bei jedem einzelnen echt schwer was passendes zu finden

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1 year ago

I think I’m good at having a wellness voucher, and I’ve already given it that. But I gave it away with a box of chocolates in the store paper

1 year ago

Ask them what they would really be happy about. This is perhaps nothing material but time with you, an excursion or help in the garden…

1 year ago

I honestly don’t think the gifts you have so far are too good.
The idea with the voucher, on the other hand, is fine. That’s what your parents are looking forward to and they’re doing something they wouldn’t be able to do. This also reflects the spirit of Christmas, if you like it.
Well, yes to the coupons, they’re sure they like it. Better a little under the Christmas tree, which then really makes joy.

1 year ago
Reply to  pumuckl22613

what is so wrong with the gifts so far?

1 year ago

Well, it might be hard to say now, but:

Perfume is always such a thing, is it perfume that it always uses? Jewelry for others is also difficult.
A carpet for cats? What do they need it for? And the picture with lights sounds a bit cheesy. Your uncle couldn’t handle the t-shirt so well. If he wears such tshirts more often, it’s okay.
I personally wouldn’t give away any of it, but good.

1 year ago

That’s right, you got it.

1 year ago

yes so my parents

1 year ago

As already explained, an animal belongs to that who takes responsibility for it, so simple.

1 year ago

my parents and I are a family, so I said it’s mine but actually they belonged to us all

but officially and principally they belong to my parents

they also live with

1 year ago

You said it was your dogs, and now you know nothing more.

1 year ago

I don’t know.

1 year ago

Yeah. And who do they ask?

1 year ago

make my parents

1 year ago

But a lot. Who are you asking for advice when it comes to the dogs?

I think Karl’s nice and I’ve never heard he was mean.

1 year ago

not everything.
but no longer because I have hardly any contact with her

is not a nice man. He was insulting me at the time, although I never did anything to him, and he was insulting to other people, and at that time I wrote 3 different people here and advised that I should block him, and then I did that too.

1 year ago

You don’t have to spy. You like to give it all. I thought you’d ask her in all the dogs for advice? I’m writing with Karl private, not with your questions. Karl’s not in retirement yet, he doesn’t need to hurt you. It’s a very nice person.

1 year ago

the dog trainer is the sister of my dad who lives anywhere else. I never see them. I don’t care because I don’t see this year anymore

the tante with the cross chain is the woman of my believing uncle not related to me, so I did not mention her at the question because there is not so important what I give her

and that the guy real my asking comments amuses me just too dead…he knows I blocked him xD why he seems to ask me what about my dancing? Why does he ask me what I can’t answer where I blocked him? I can’t read anything from him and that he still does the effort to answer my questions directly because he is almost sorry xD
but hey, in the pension you’re boring when you don’t have hobbys.

1 year ago

I don’t have to spy around, I know you have two aunts because a dog trainer is. You mentioned that a lot earlier. And I’m only asking this now because it came to me after a conversation with Schwarzwaldkarl.

1 year ago

Why do you ask me this now and not at your answer under my question?

that gets a Bible, and a chain of crosses

1 year ago

What does your other aunt get for Christmas?

1 year ago

no we sat this is an open room kitchen living room dining room.

1 year ago

It just sounds a little dubios.
And that’s where your grandma went for an apartment tour?

1 year ago

What’s so weird about it?

yes the father and the oma of my friend have invited my family and me to eat

1 year ago

Somehow your family is a little weird. All right, I guess the gifts will fit. Your grandma’s been in your friend’s home before?

1 year ago

I know her taste. I’ve already got this perfume and my sister once said to me, “Oh my god you smell good today, what’s that” I said at that time only puh knows not, I’ll look after you
I haven’t bought it yet and you just bought the perfume yourself

my tante is stinky and has everything that is happy about persönlcihe dinge most and their cats are all for them

my oma stands on kitsch
the oma of my partner also has a lot deko but not as much as my oma and dries her many deko meant my oma times “that would be too little to me here. much too little deko”

yes my uncle gave me such a shirt and insists that I wear it because soooo is beautiful when you “show the world that jesus is the only true away”

1 year ago

Okay, but just because you think it smells good, it can be that it doesn’t even tell her. Everyone finds other smells appealing.
Okay, that makes more sense, the mat would be too cheesy to me personally, but this is my opinion as long as she is happy about it, everything fits.
Kitschig is probably still, but maybe your grandma likes Kitsch.
Well, I know a few believers wearing such T-shirts. Does he have any sweet like that?

1 year ago

she never has a certain perfume. She always has different and this smells sooo unbelievably good

no teppich sorry ne fußmatte:
we have something like this for our dogs and my tante always meant what this is for a sweet idea and that she would like to have something like that for her, so I thought she expects nothing of me but I still make the little gesture and give her that with her 4

picture with the lights: I would never be personalized if not, in the case with the cat pictures, my oma loves decorate and has put up pictures of our family everywhere

it stands out: jesus: the way, the truth and the life
What’s not good about it? jesus is all for him and he often prays loudly in the public. He wants to show the world that he lies

1 year ago

Vllt instead of nem coupon a kind of “wellness basket”? So if you have a bathtub, e.g. beautiful bathing balls, face masks, good sponges/washcloths, expensive hair cures, special chocolate or relaxation etc. I also find vouchers full ok btw but if you want “more” under the tree, that would be an alternative.

1 year ago
Reply to  Smartalek

is nice but my parents don’t have a bath tub and shower both only 1-2 times a week at most. They hardly spend time in the bathroom

1 year ago

ok…for me was wellness and bathing/shower last together. I only shower 2-3 times a week, but I would still use it if I got it. But if I read the conversation here so much, your parents might also understand this as a passive-aggressive hint, so don’t…otherwise, I’d like to have a care package for a perfect TV evening…sweet stuff, chips, popcorn, beer or whatever your parents like, cuddly blanket etc…or, as I said, just the voucher…

1 year ago

Excuse me? Your parents are just drinking ONE a week? 😅

1 year ago

Like I said, not everything parents say makes sense. But it doesn’t matter.

1 year ago

I often ran away as a child and ran away because of such things and was carved because I had fat hair and after sweat stank.

1 year ago

This is the right of parents to decide whether all rules are always reasonable.

1 year ago

I’m happy all year round

when I wasn’t 18 they’ve forbidden me to shower more than 2 times a week.

1 year ago

Yeah, it sounds a bit strange, but that doesn’t have anything to do with showering.
I know your last name means your parents are probably called the same.

Your bathroom – her rules, that’s how it is.

1 year ago

You just titled my family as strange, what now?

this is anonymous. no one knows how my parents are

I was just so excited that I couldn’t go after riding. I even told her I’m counting all my water consumption

1 year ago

If you’re allowed to use their bath, you’ll also have such statements, so easy.
Yeah, I think it’s funny and it’s nothing for me, but I don’t think it’s okay that you share such private details on your parents on the Internet. I don’t think bad about your parents.

1 year ago

I often thanked them enough for the bathroom but I was very excited that she told me that I shouldn’t shower after the sport/stem, so I told her that I find it disgusting

and I’m pretty sure you don’t think that they only shower 1-2 times a week, you had written yourself

Excuse me? Your parents are just drinking ONE a week? 😅

that shows that you find that weird.

1 year ago

It’s your parents’ business, I’m not gonna comment on it now. You thank your parents for being able to use their bathroom by calling them disgusting? You should never say that to your parents.

1 year ago

jap! When I mentioned this before when I was asking myself, all my parents defended and went on to me that I shouldn’t condemn her, etc.

I used to use the bathroom of my parents during the construction site and my mother then told me when I was showering after the stall “why are you going to shower today? were you just yesterday?”
Then I said, “Well, yes, because I was ridden and smelling after stall?”

and she then “that’s too much, 2 times you want to shower, that’s far too harmful to the skin when you make it too often”

I was just like “when were you the last one?” she “on Friday”
on the day when the confro took place it was Wednesday…

“I just go 1-2 times a week, why more?”

I told her honestly that I find it very disgusting.

1 year ago

for my sister a perfume and a chain

I hope it’s YOUR perfume and not something…

(small and so a set up lighting with cat pictures)

Carpet? For cats? And lighting with cat pictures sounds very like decoration rash..

for my believing oncle a shirt with nem jesus on it

Let’s hope he doesn’t look like a blasphemy…

do you think you’re okay?

No, I don’t give coupons from principle, find that impersonal.

but this is so little to give it under the tree, that looks so small then?

Ah, it’s all about the impression and what others think…

I’d like to make them feel so bad for everyone, but it’s really hard for everyone to find something suitable.

Then think again, have another 4 weeks.
You don’t know what to do, and maybe your people are telling what they really want.

1 year ago

The idea with the voucher is good…

but this is so little to give it under the tree, that looks so small then?

You’re all grown up, right? Do there have to be gifts under the tree?

Pack the voucher in a beautiful gift basket with small things they like to eat and drink and then is good…

1 year ago

How about something self-made? I think better than something “of the bar”

1 year ago
Reply to  Keks37

I’ll take you up and eat in paradise under the tree of knowledge. 🥰

1 year ago
Reply to  Keks37

and what would that be?

1 year ago

I don’t know, your parents don’t know, you have to decide.

1 year ago

So so inappropriate then the other gifts are, a happiness that I am not, for example, Your uncle is, I find the voucher in a wellness hotel very good.

Your parents should rest there for a week at your expense and relax, then you would have a storm-free bud back home. Then you can run naked again through the apartment and smoke everywhere where it is not allowed.

This hotel might offer you, your parents will definitely be happy

Here, of course, the Luxury Pool Suite would offer…

P.S. I really don’t care about the HA, but a serious thank you would be nice…

1 year ago

Coupons are a good idea. Can you pack them in a beautiful gift basket.


1 year ago

Good morning, vouchers nicely packed with something sweet, love greeting

1 year ago

How about these long dowels for Rigip walls? This year I give them to shadowtaking and justasingle. blackforest carl gets three pore bars. And sleepingbeautyy my cat.

lg up

1 year ago
Reply to  upbrunce

What do I get?

1 year ago
Reply to  Grauling0605

I have an old pond for the garden. Too bad. 🙃

1 year ago
Reply to  upbrunce

You forgot me. 🙁

1 year ago
Reply to  pumuckl22613

Poppy. 🤗

1 year ago
Reply to  upbrunce

And what about me?

1 year ago
Reply to  Keks37

The picture of us. Water colour already ordered. 🌹

1 year ago
Reply to  upbrunce

black forest carl gets three pore bars

this is really ultra-loved from you now, but somehow the surprise is gone. Could you please pack it in, because until Christmas I have forgotten it again and then the unpacking is also really exciting again…

1 year ago

You’re lying again. :(This seems to be contagious. XD

1 year ago

Admittedly, I’m a promising promise. But I’m trying. 🙃

1 year ago

I haven’t seen it yet, you’ve promised me for weeks. :((

1 year ago

Oh, I’ve always wanted

1 year ago

It’s not hard to listen.

My aunt once said, “Have stopped smoking and steam now. When I got used to the nicotine, I could go without it.” What do I give her? Liquid without nicotine. That was 1 sideset and I already have a Christmas gift that she will definitely like.

It’s really not hard. Make every man.

Listen to what people say and buy it. Because they are very happy about it.

1 year ago
Reply to  MonaLisa557

my father is looking forward to his rest

My oma is hopelessly happy
also my aunt is stinky and has everything

my people have never complained about what they have not

1 year ago

Then you don’t listen, you just take it.

Everyone has wishes. Your father wants to rest. Then give him some. Organize 1 day where no one is home except your dad. It’s in the field of possible and he’s looking forward to it.

See? It’s not that hard. Now you take the two others.

1 year ago

my father gets angry when someone says he wants to rest