Ideen für sci-fi/fantasy geschichte?

Hi ich möchte eine Geschichte schreiben in der es um Fantasy und Science fiction gehen soll ich möchte das die geschichte und das aussehen der welt an Avatar und der welt Pandora erinnert. Habt ihr ideen für: Aussehen der welt, namen der Charakteren, Namen der welt usw.? danke im vorraus LG

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11 months ago

Well, since I don’t know what direction you want with your story, I can’t throw you anything. You might want to figure out a plot first and then see that you are constructing a world that fits into this plot.

Concentrate perhaps for the first time, maybe you can also take part in the development of the world at some point, when the plot is being worked out in a concrete way, and then you usually get a subtle impact in the direction in which you want to have the corresponding names.

Out of the blue, this makes little sense in my eyes, as I have no idea, as external third parties, where your idea should now lead. In the worst case, I’ll build you a desert planet, although you actually wanted to go to the deep sea.

11 months ago

Meredia as names of the world.