Ideen für Schülercafé?
Meine Stufe will zur Finanzierung des Abi-Balls im Schülercafé regelmäßig etwas verkaufen, allerdings dürfen wir keine Konkurrenz zur Mensa sein, d.h. keine belegten Brötchen, Wraps, Hotdogs, usw. Es dürfen zudem keine Softdrinks sein. Außerdem muss es ansatzweise gesund sein, eine Schmerzgrenze wären Nachos mit Käse-Dip. Wir sind uns relativ unsicher was wir verkaufen sollen, was schlagt ihr vor? (Derzeitige Ideen wären Bananenmilch u. Popcorn)
Banana milk is generally quite special intresst and if then rather in the evening than in the morning, and popcorn is also more for chilly streaming evenings.
Coffee went in all variants, but then of course you have the purchase costs first. And in a short break it becomes difficult to give out so many coffees at once.
But cookies, cupcakes and donuts would fit well.
The idea is good, the problem is just the fruit gets bad relatively quickly if it doesn’t sell.
I also thought that, but all the other attractive things that could be offered and sold may not be offered because they are also offered in the cafeteria or because they are potentially unhealthy…