Ideen für geschenk an freund?
Ich hab als Geschenk für meinen freund Bilder von mir im Wald gemacht. Jetzt hab ich sie ausgedruckt, aber weiß nicht ob ich ihm die nur so in nem briefumschlag mit schenke oder ob ich die in so nem kleinen fotobuch mit so schwarzen seiten, klebe und was dazu schreibe. Aber ich weiß auch nicht was dazu schreiben.
Habt ihr da noch ideen?
chicken fluffie …🙋,
I don’t like pictures as a gift in a envelope. Either you make a great photo collage with small sayings from your photos and give it a big picture frame or stick the photos into a photo album and write something about what and where you have heard on that day, which has created or snapped the picture names.
I wish you lots of fun and creativity, dear greetings and remain healthy 👍, from mauselchen 👋
Thank you. The pictures I gave him are from me, so I took pictures yesterday at the field/forest for him
You can also make pictures of yourself on a large frame of images as collage. I’d give the photos with voice bubble stickers and write what’s right there. Possibly embellish with small hearts. For the photo book, I would have the following idea for you. On black sides I would write something nice with very bright pastel colors, which you want to express with the pictures. You can make it really nice as a picture book, maybe with smilie stickers. Great success!😊
Thank you. 🤝
Thank you very much, also a nice Tuesday
In this way, I would like to thank you for your evaluation🤝 and look forward to helping you with my answer. I wish you a nice Tuesday!😊