Ideen für eine Geschichte?
Hey, also ich habe schon länger die Idee eine eigene Geschichte zu schreiben. Leider fehlt es mir momentan ein bisschen an Ideen für diese Geschichte. Hätte einer von eich eine Idee? Und bitte gebt mir Tipps wie man eine Geschichte richtig schreibt.
ich würde zu einer Geschichte tendieren die eher life stile ist und nichts fantasy aber auch kein krimi
This is your story so it must be developed by you. If you have an idea and started writing, I will help you even if you need to write tips.
I don’t think it’s worth writing if you don’t have an idea. It’s not supposed to sound bad now. Only the ideas are exactly the creative part in writing that makes the different stories so unique and special.
It’s quite unlikely that you’d like an idea that anyone could suggest here.
Browse your own mind for ideas.
What have you always wanted to write?
Are there any inspiring history from your environment or funny situations from your everyday life that you can bring into history?
Are there any films or books that you find very good because the subject has addressed you?
It’s best if you have a rough idea of what to do, so what people are involved and what the final is, and then you transfer the setting and stories to the individual people. Then, hopefully, you should get into your head several small ideas that you can sort and integrate into history.
It doesn’t always have to be planned, but some rough steps should be set in advance so that you can have different things to work on.
Instead of searching for ideas that are truly not good, I would take a break in your place with reading, watching plays (meaning also on Youtube) or GUTEN movies. The ideas usually come from themselves.
Writing is a craft and proper work, for which it needs a lot of stamina. If you’re missing the most basic – your own idea – then let it go.
Ideas are literally flying around the ears to any sadly gifted authors. He’s just gonna have to open his eyes and ears out there. And he doesn’t even have to get out of it.