Ideen für eine Geburtstags Party?

Ich w13 werde bald 14 und brauche ideen für eine Geburtstags Party es kommen wahrscheinlich 10 bis 14 Gäste also gehen so Sachen wie Geocaching, Escape rooms oder ähnliches leider nicht (und bevor jemand mit Sachen wie umstyling oder schminken kommt aufgarkeinfall😂) danke schon mal im Voraus


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2 years ago

Could go to the swimming pool or so and then celebrate at home later. For example, what I did to a friend for my birthday was Lasertag, was good. Or isn’t it season, but it’s a big grill? So do you. Overnight. Hope could help is not much but at least something.

1 year ago


Canoeing, maybe you already want to eat ice cream, action park, etc. I could imagine that the operators will certainly offer something for such events as birthdays.

Happy and love for you 🍀🌺 Hab’ a beautiful birthday 🎂 May your new year of life be happy, security, love and health 😊🥰

LG Andreas

2 years ago

Hi, you could be zb. Go bowling and rent two tracks, watch a movie at home or in the cinema, rent a room and dance/eat/red music there and play any youth party games or go to a trampoline hall. 🙃

2 years ago

Bottle turning / Seven minutes in heaven and the like always goes.