Idealgewicht bei 180cm Frau?
Was ist das Idealgewicht bei 180
Was ist das Idealgewicht bei 180
Hey, ich spiele schon länger mit dem Gedanken mir das Gesicht zu rasieren. Da es halt das Hautbild schöner machen soll. Ich habe aber Angst davor, das die Härchen stärker und dunkler nachwachsen, oder es zu eingewachsenen Haaren oder zu dunklen Flecken im Gesicht kommt. Hat irgendwer Erfahrungen mit Gesichtsrasuren? Ich muss dazu noch sagen…
Hallo, ich suche ein gutes Buch, das beschreibt, wie das Gehirn mit dem Körper interagiert. Es sollte wissenschaftlich sein und möglichst strukturiert (z. B. wie funktioniert der Frontallappen?, etc.). Mich interessiert, wie die einzelnen Gehirnteile mit dem Körper interagieren.
Ich möchte gerne meinen Body- Mass- Index wissen…
Bin 1,83 m,und die Frau die ich kennenlerne ist 1,69 m. Passt die Größe? Trollantworten könnt ihr euch sparen,denn die werden jederzeit gemeldet. Wollt auf meine ernstgemeinte Frage ehrliche Antworten. Ich weiß Charakter etc. ist wichtiger,aber was denkt ihr über die Größen? Ich finde es passt.
Ich frage mich wie groß ihr seid?
They used to say BMI – 10%.
At 180cm -100, that would be 80 – 10%.
But I’ve heard several times that the BMI is outdated.
Sure, an ideal weight in women is considered to be fully sexist today. Every woman is beautiful, weight doesn’t matter.
Nice and healthy isn’t hand in hand. A general rule of thumb, which is a healthy weight, certainly does not count as sexist. If that’s the case, you shouldn’t tell women that you brush your teeth at best after eating. This is a general recommendation, no more.
Safe, 500kg is full no matter
easy to use
It is body size (cm) – 100 cm, not BMI.
Body size minus 100 = BMI minus 10%. So BMI-10%, but you get the BMI with the body size. So it’s all right that I wrote.
The nettiquette is also stupid xD
So I’ve never been told that before. A good bunch of comments will be deleted regularly because I have pushed this stupid nettiquette aside and more on clear words. And then I’m locked for a while, bored me, I’m inactive, and I’m dealing with other things… And with every spell, I think that was now, my 10 years account is definitely going.
I’ve been on a good question for 10 years and you’re one of the few users I’ve been looking at. Take the compliment now, or I’ll put one on your profile xD
How do you know? I’m really very naughty and I have a ton less thank you for that. Look at other profiles that’re just as good as compliments.
Unless that was sarcastic, I understand the joke.
Can I get a link?
700 but most likely not.
How long? You’ve probably been logged in.
What? Since when???
Yes I also learned this in primary school, the tiger is a random meme
Oh, you mean, yes, now I get what you write, sorry. I forgot I didn’t have the index. I’ll take everything back.
If I know correctly, someone has never weighed that much. So no man.
He also doesn’t talk about you, Shylenn, you’re one of the best users to offer the good question.
No, the BMI is weight / body size^2.
According to you, you would have a BMI of 80 with 180 cm. Perfectly wrong.
The BMI comes in the calculation of the ideal weight you do not mean at all.
500kg are a half ton tho (just saying)
74 to 86 kg average bone construction.
net, but all around 69kg is good🥴
Better over 70kg otherwise does 69 not make so fun 😛
So around the 70-75 maybe
72 kg in men.
64 kg for women.
This is strong at the limit to the underweight at a size of 1.80; with the woman more than 64kg
What scale?
Depending on age one should have at least 20 bmi or always the sinned due to reserves etc just as a woman
Or to dissolve it.
64 kg yield a BMI of 19.75. Thus, according to the WHO estimates, one is still well at normal weight.
The underweight would only begin at less than 60 kg.
Are you saying that because it sounds like underweight for you or do you use any scale for this assessment?
? I have the same details in front of me as you have them. They’re not many. However, this is at the border to the underweight, if not in
I think 75 kg
So about 75kg
80-15 % = 68 kg.