iCloud Speicher?

Ich möchte mein iPhone verkaufen und kann erst nach einiger Zeit ein neues kaufen, muss also ein das iPhone zurücksetzen. Wie kann ich alle meine Bilder und Daten auf mein iCloud Speicher speichern, oder wo auch immer, das wenn ich ein neues iPhone kaufe, es dann alles wieder da ist.

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8 months ago

Simply book enough iCloud storage and then, if it’s not on its own, turn on everything in the iCloud settings. Then everything is uploaded and a backup is created. In the photos.app below you can see the upload status of your images. I’d give you advice in the future, not to lose all your data if your phone falls down or something.

Consider that some apps, such as banking apps, do not secure login data in the backup. Then you need to log in again and if you no longer have your old phone, you need to apply for a new access from your bank, which may happen by mail and take a few days.

8 months ago

Must stop buying / subscribe to iCloud plus in the worst case. But it is worth it anyway.

8 months ago
Reply to  BestNothing

But definitely recommend selling your current device only when the new is completely finished and ready to use

8 months ago

You can backup all data and then transfer it to your new phone via “Restore”.

For security, I would make a backup on a computer.