Ich würde gerne Web dev machen Lust?

Hallo Leute, ich würde wirklich gerne im Web development was anfangen. Aber irgendwie hab ich gar keine Lust da drauf. Ich würde es mir auch schon echt cool vorstellen, wenn ich das könnte.

kann das sein, dass diese Freude da dran später noch kommt?

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7 months ago

Why do you want to do Webdev if you don’t want to do it?

…and what do you think cool about something you don’t know about?

My questions are purely mythical.

…why a Web DEV company, there would hardly be an investment

… So you want to start a company for one thing you don’t even know and don’t know what you need?

Web development is not only a website to click together. This includes a lot more to learn for years. In order to obtain the necessary knowledge in a reasonable time frame, you have to invest a lot of time (time is money, because of anything you have to live).

It is also not enough to put a website on the net, where you are offering your services (and then the customers are running a 🤣) . You have to advertise specifically and, if necessary, also “clean up” .

If customers come to you, your office shouldn’t necessarily be Grandma’s attic, then take them out immediately. The trustworthiness of a company is mainly represented by the business premises. You don’t need a glass office in Citylage, even a space somewhere in the village should radiate competence and performance.

….If you think you could handle all customer contacts online, you’re totally wrong. When it comes to money, customers want more than one mailbox address!

…that costs all the money…

In questions like yours, I would like to look at the “prehistory” of the questioner.

Somewhere you mentioned wanting to earn as much money as possible. You’re 30 years late with website base.

As far as your “health” conditions are concerned, “own company” should not be particularly beneficial. Self-employed means a lot of stress. To cope with this, it often takes an extremely robust Nevenköstüms, which I do not see with you.

Your hobby (watches) asks me why you want nothing in this direction?

7 months ago

Hello people, I would really like to start on web development


But somehow I don’t like it.

You know yourself, right?

7 months ago

You want to do it, but don’t you want to do it? What? If you don’t like it, and you just want to do it because it’s cool, let it go.

7 months ago

Will the company have anything to do with web development? You can just click a finished solution. Often there are webhosts easy-to-use homepage construction boxes. Or you hire a freelancer.

7 months ago

Establishing a company is generally not such a good idea. Is a bunch of stress and work and can throw you before you notice it in years of debt. It’s only rarely good. Better go to an existing company in a profession that really interests you.

7 months ago

If this seems exciting to you and you think it fits your strengths, why not?

7 months ago

Well, “time try” can often get dangerous, there it is sometimes better not to try it 😅

If you’ve planned everything from investment, income, taxes, etc. and the expected profit is worth it to you, you can try it quietly, I can’t stop you, but as I said, I see a job in public service as much more meaningful. As you deserve (and often good), you have much less stress and you can choose a job that really is fun for you.