Ich würde gern als Jugendlicher Ballett anfangen..?
Ich würde gern Ballett anfangen, mit 16, allerdings ist es mir nicht möglich in die Knie zu gehen ohne meine Ferse vom Boden zu heben durch meine gesundheitliche Vorgeschichte. Ist es deshalb nicht empfehlenswert/hoffnungslos/nicht möglich Ballett anzufangen?
You can still start with ballet. The rest comes with time. Just start and have fun.
Mfg BR119
Inform the ballet teacher about it and then go.
I don’t see a problem in it. A hobby must be fun in the first line.
then you have a handicap
and make a little cripple dancing
who cares?
if you like ballet make the ice
if you doubt yourself about any smart handicap
then leave
at your place I would inform myself about ballet
and just go there if you have the opportunity
but I would definitely drop your false expectations before!!
Your motto: “I better don’t go because I’m half a cripple who stumbles over his own side”
can also be that you like ballet
but you don’t get so good with the people there
so you need to know
and taste a few days