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The name ‘Drink’ has legal reasons. Nevertheless, this drink from DM is very good, I’ve been getting it for years.
But despite how I can be, I have this recipe to make it happen. It’s called “milk.” 😆
Here it is:
Step 1
Place the first water with oat flakes and salt in a high-performance mixer and season briefly until no more pieces can be seen.Just mix briefly, otherwise the milk becomes too slimy.
Step 2
Now press the milk through a nut milk bag or a very fine sieve to separate the oat residue from the milk.
Now I just need a high-performance mixer… !
Here further instructions for oat milk.
☆Thank you for your award!
The name milk means that it must have real milk, an animal product. This also applies, for example, to cheeses which must also contain milk. If there is no correct milk in it, the squeeze of oat milk or cheese would be a false declaration.
It’s different with sausage. Sausage is a packaging form. What is in it is not defined by law.
Coconut milk may also be referred to as milk
You’re right. The word “milk” for the liquid of the coconut used quite regularly. This is not a false declaration.
Oatsmilk is often referred to as oat drink, since the term ‘milk’ may only be used legally for animal dairy products. That’s why you’ll find “leave drink” on the packaging, even if it’s the same product. You can still use it like oat milk!
Coconut milk may also be referred to as milk
Haferdrink is milk. It must not be called milk for any reason. Why, however, can sun milk still be called milk, even though it has nothing to do with milk, unfortunately only our politicians know.
One is a food, the other cosmetics = other guidelines.
And coconut milk?
Or coconut milk
Coconut milk may also be referred to in the store as milk, since it was established from the beginning under the name, and usually not used as milk substitute.
It can also be found in cans and glasses rather than in the 1L Tetra Pack.
Therefore, there is hardly any danger of confusion, so that this could remain so.
As far as I know, this must not be sold under the term “milk”. That always means “Drink”. This is required by law that this should not be called milk.
In food law, these milk substitute drinks are not milk.
The European Court of Justice has already laid down this in 2017.
Milk is from the cow. Oats is not a “milk”. That’s why.
haferDRINK is haferMILch. May not be called so in the sale because it is not milk.
And now no one comes with SonnenMILCH! that is something else there is no food. It is then about consumer deception in the foodstuff milk just coming from the animal
Coconut milk may also be referred to as milk
Maybe because not primarily thought of as a drink
I think they can’t call it “milk.” Because it’s not a proper milk.
It’s not sun milk either. 😉
Sun milk is also not a food 😜
This may also be referred to as milk, since it has been established under the name from each time, and is generally not used as a substitute for milk.
It can also be found in cans and glasses rather than in the 1L Tetra Pack 😉
Therefore, there is hardly any danger of confusion, so that this could remain so.
Coconut milk
only genuine milk may be called milk, so it is drink
Coconut milk may also be referred to as milk
The reason is that we must not call milk, because it is not milk in the sense.