Ich will nicht mehr mit der Bahn fahren, was kann ich tun?

Hallo liebe Mitglieder!

Seit dem ich seit einigen Monaten damit anfing, mir die News durchzulesen, habe ich gemerkt, dass es mir nicht gut tut. Ich habe von schlimmen Fällen in z.B. der Bahn gehört, und hier liegt das Problem: Trotz meines Wissens, dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit gering ist, dass was passiert, fühle ich mich unwohl in der Bahn und will sie immer mehr meiden. Allgemein kontrolliere ich seit dem auch sehr oft meine Umgebung auf Menschen (auch an anderen Orten) und ob diese “koscher” sind. Ich kann einfach nicht mehr entspannen wie vorher und ich werde die Informationen ja nun auch nicht mehr vergessen.

Bevor ich die ganzen Nachrichten las, fühlte ich mich soweit noch ganz gut/ok. Doch nun ist es für mich echt eine Last. Sogar zuhause fühle ich mich nicht mehr entspannt und mit Leichtigkeit erfüllt.

Regelmäßig Bahnfahren (Konfrontation) macht die Sache bei mir auch nicht besser, denn meine Sorgen werden dadurch nicht kleiner. Ich bin unentspannt und ich habe nasse Hände und Angst, dass mir was passiert.

Ich lese auch schon Bücher über die Angst.

Was kann ich noch tun, um wieder ein stabileres Mindset zu bekommen? Oder ein anderes Denken? Psychologe wäre die letzte Idee, denn ich bin der Meinung, ich bekomme es auch alleine hin, wenn ich weiß, wie.

Und Auto wäre keine Idee, denn da ist die Wahrscheinlich an Unfällen viel höher.

Vielen Dank schon mal!

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9 months ago

I’m sorry, I can’t understand.

I read all my life news/news and watch news.
Bad things happen in the world – it is not always comfortable and soft as cotton.
If I get into it, then it could happen that I get scared – I don’t get in such crap!

A little fear is also important, you should stop your eyes as a pedestrian.

9 months ago
Reply to  miryamxX

Yeah, we’re “trainballed” everywhere with disaster news, and there’s always a lot of positive news to report. Exactly – News yes – but set priorities and in masses. 😉

9 months ago

Unfortunately, something can happen everywhere:

During the train journey, at the train station, on the footpath from and to the train station, at home (in the apartment or in the staircase), in taxi, in the car of an acquaintance, in the bus, in the coach, at work, during walking, shopping, in the restaurant, in the pub, etc.

It is also difficult to estimate which probability is greater or smaller, especially since not everyone fits equally well into the prey scheme of a perpetrator. In addition, it always depends on where (e.g. on the train) you find yourself in concrete terms how people act, how professionally one is helped.

How good we don’t know how we are next week or next year! Are we already very sick or disabled? How good we don’t know when and what and how fast we die!

You can only enjoy life if you let fears bounce. You just have to overcome yourself, do it. Psychotherapists can only help you overcome, but they can’t take off one step.

9 months ago

I personally rule it by understanding which people or situations are actually endangered, for example a group of alcoholized men I would possibly even get out.

Or an example, someone’s beating.

Or someone turns psychically through ect.

Most people who are somehow malicious are one can recognize in a way how to say radiation, body language, behavior, they have a different body tension, behave differently, have a different focus, you can learn everything.

Something similar to profiling only in the hobby psychology frame of everyday life.

9 months ago
Reply to  miryamxX

Realism, always call you into the head as real stupid that is usually.

And let’s get there really comes one when he’s suffering properly you don’t have long so you can arrange yourself with a very fast tode, I just don’t see a real problem in the thought you could die yourself, but well that can’t all think so.

9 months ago

Don’t get so strong into it would be good and leave the reading of such messages away. I’m on my way, too, but I don’t see an assassin in everyone. If you’re too busy, I’d go to an AMBULANTEN psychotherapist.

9 months ago

You need to penetrate stationary psychology care. That’s all I can say.

9 months ago

I think it’s best not to read messages. I almost never do.

9 months ago

Psychologist would be the last idea

An instruction to the closed is to be recommended for 4-8 weeks.

because I think I can get it on my own if I know how.

To do this, you need insight, and despite the mention of probability, this is not recognizable.

P.S. You are also at home, as pedestrians, railway & cycling & car & planners never 💯 % safe.

9 months ago
Reply to  miryamxX

You recognize the likelihood, but push it (feeling) to the side regardless. You always have dangers and make them a general threat for you. So you should learn to think completely.

9 months ago
Reply to  Wiesel

The questioner is certainly not put into the closed because of this fear!

9 months ago
Reply to  Darkrider280

A neighbour comes out of one tomorrow, but there are threats to body and life.

9 months ago

Can not be excluded by panic attacks which lead to activation of the emergency brake

9 months ago

Danger to foreign or personal property is also something else.