Ich will nicht dumm sein 🥲?

ich habe heute beim autofahren einen dummen fehler gemacht und komme darüber nicht weg vorallem wie die Fahrlehrerin darauf reagiert hat. Ich stand an der ampel die war rot gerade wo sie grün war sah ich den elektro roller neben mir. Und da diese Situation neu für mich, habe ich nicht richtig gehandelt. Weil wenn ich fahre den 1,5 meter abstand automatisch halte so dass ich nach links wenn es möglich ist bisschen fahre um den abstand zu sichern. Ich weiß nicht warum aber ich habe sogar noch gesagt da ist ein elektro roller neben uns und bin auf gas weil die ampel war ja grün und genau in diesen moment kam ja auch der blöde roller und hinter uns war ja noch der verkehr und mein fuß war schon aufs gas und bin langsam losgefahren die fahrlehrerin hat mich abgebremst und dann natürlich angebrüllt.
ich fühle mich manchmal einfach so dumm obwohl ich vieles weiß setze ich das nicht um also ich verstehe es manchmal selbst nicht.

ich hab schon einige Fahrstunden hinter mir, die Fahrlehrerin sagt ich kann manchmal keine gefahren erkennen. Ich weiß die Fahrlehrer sehen das immer bisschen anders und „realistischer“ aber ich finde ich fahre eigentlich gut. Keine Ahnung bin bisschen verzweifelt. Ich möchte den Führerschein bald haben und hoffentlich habe ich den ganzen stress hinter mir dann, perfekt sein zu müssen.

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6 months ago

For this you are in the driving school to make mistakes to act “dumm”. My driving instructor always meant “Dear now the mistakes than later, when you are on your own.” The instructors are there to intervene in harsh situations.
You’ll probably never do that again and that’s the most important. You learn from these situations best.

That’s why you’re going to become a crisp, but don’t go, if you were a perfect driver, you wouldn’t go to the driving school anymore. Can you change the instructor?

6 months ago

Breathing his pupils is not a professional behavior. You pay a lot of money for it and can expect an appropriate service.

No wonder you’re feeling uncomfortable now and you’re making such thoughts.

I also had such a driving instructor and changed the driving school relatively quickly.

6 months ago
Reply to  SVara7

Don’t be discouraged, some of you just need a few more hours. If you have the driver’s license at the end and drive alone, you’ll remember that it’s something completely different. Then you don’t have the pressure that someone is sitting next to you and watching you all the time and saying what to do.
Nevertheless, I find this extremely unprofessional, especially with the statement. If she is unable to convey that well, that is a certificate of poverty for her as a driving teacher and not for you as a student.

6 months ago

You’re not alone. I drove by a police officer on a bike and then pulled my phone out for substantive reasons. He wanted 70€ directly and got my first point before I got a driving license 👍🏴

6 months ago

You’re a student and don’t have to be perfect. Don’t push it on the driving instructor – You’re crushing To you the nerves themselves with your unrealistic claim to yourself and thus not to be able to withstand legitimate criticism.

6 months ago
Reply to  SVara7

Take it seriously but not so important, then it works.

6 months ago

… but get out of the same place. 🤔 Well, now that you are aware of it, you should be able to handle it. Your success!

6 months ago

This has nothing to do with thinking, but rather with not having its worries and fears under control. Fear is stupid. She is the ugly sister of caution and a relic that usually stands in the way more than it protects us.

6 months ago

That’s exactly what I read between the lines… Remember: Even the exam is just a car ride and nothing can happen, except that you have to do it again.

6 months ago

Of course, you can’t see them as you should. you’re a student, you’re still learning. it also means training and not showing what you can do.

you get to know new situation with every ride. this is all new and has to be processed first.

6 months ago

but I think I’m going well.

Of course, you think about yourself, but you don’t have to judge it, and if you’re around for longer, you should have it so slow.