Ich will Elektronik lernen?

Ich will elektonik lernen also :

Löten ich hab schon eine lötkolben und kann kabel zusammen löten und basic sachen

Smd löten welche geräte und welches flussmittel brauche ich

Grafikkarten reperieren

Welche lötbaukästen soll ich mir kaufen zum üben sowas hald :

COVVY Rotierende LED SMD NE555 Löten Übungsplatine DIY Kit Fanny Skill Training DIY Kit Elektronische Leiterplatte Modul Anzug https://amzn.eu/d/2e7CvFS

Und schaltungen zb wie mache ich es das 2 led abwechselnd blinken

Schickt mir links von den geräten vieleicht YouTube videos oder bücher …

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1 year ago

You need a soldering station, or the corresponding model of Weller:

Costs about 570€. You don’t have to start with something cheaper. You have to be able to braz and not just want to, otherwise it will be nothing.

On actual theme, repair graphics cards. That means you have to find the mistakes and not just look. You probably lack all the conditions. To check such parts, you need devices that can feed a lot of logic signals simultaneously. And then you have to be able to measure the output signals somewhere. I.e. you need a right measuring place. And then you need another test instruction from the manufacturer, otherwise you don’t know where and how to start at all. And of course the current. And of course the placement plan. And that for every type of graphics card. And the necessary spare parts that are sometimes manufacturer-specific and are not easy to have. Usually you have to order a minimum amount, e.g. a belt with 2000 parts. It is likely that component manufacturers or sales companies will only sell to industry.

From my point of view, this is a completely futile undertaking.

How do I know? In a test field for electronic assemblies (HF, NF, digital, analog) I checked the programs of such measuring stations together with the future tester.

Btw.: How do you get such a pseudonym?

1 year ago
Reply to  nematode

I think one has had an idea and hasn’t counted on reality.

1 year ago
Reply to  Monazit

You read more often. There are those who want to repair phones. 😁😂🤣😂

1 year ago
Reply to  nematode

A soldering iron for 600€? What can he do?

Mine has approx. 70 cost, has three different tips for screwing up and adjustable temperature, digital.

1 year ago
Reply to  nematode

Absolute nonsense that you have to spend at least 570€ for the soldering station. An Ersa i-Con Nano (or Pico) is available from €200 and is absolutely sufficient and good for it. I repaired boarding myself and more often. You shouldn’t buy a cheap soldering iron.

1 year ago

With some SMD soldering paste and a pointed average soldering iron as well as a soldering pump, you can replace almost every part with some fingertip feeling and sometimes with a magnifying glass on a board. But that’s just the simple part. But you will not be able to find out which part is actually broken without a long-term training and corresponding experience of 99% of the cases. The difficulty is the error analysis.

1 year ago

smd flow gel, for example!If you want to solder SMD components you need a small soldering station with a very small soldering tip.And the soldering temperature should be adjustable.

1 year ago
Reply to  lasdas

If you want to solder SMD components, you’ll best take a hot air station, even its temperature is adjustable.