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that’s just a “Conciliation fee” you must read the terms and conditions. This means only those who go to a bank and ask for you. If you don’t get a loan the 600 euro are gone. Then you can also go to a bank yourself or ask the dealer.
1.4. The websitehttp://www.fin-express.deis annformation service dhe Fin Express GmbH. Fin Express GmbH is neither a credit institution nor does it provide loans, loans or other procurement of funds.
Thanks For your feedback, according to Fin-Express, the respective institute has given an ounce, so I got a promise but I’m a bit scared or the cheating
I have not yet paid the 600€, of course I wait and make myself smart before I tap into the trap, the bank has approved this and get a loan but I want to know first of all whether they are serious and whether someone has already had experience with them.
If Fin Express has provided a service, so you have provided a credit or at least offered a service, then you will also have a contract with which you will have to pay just under 600€.
This is completely independent of whether or not this loan agreement is concluded.
What bank are you talking about?
So according to AGB, I can cancel the contract and have nothing to pay.
that’s what it looks like… contract is contract. Whether with or without credit from a bank..
This amount is only for credit transfer?
Let’s go.
If you don’t get a loan without Fin Express, you won’t get one with them, but the 600€ is still going.
finance your car directly with the dealer or with a reputable bank,
but OHNE such intermediaries.
Processing fees etc
For what do you want the 598,50€?
Do you think they work there for free?