Ich will arbeiten, aber irgendwie hab ich kein Bock dazu?
Ich hab mein Bachelor Studium beendet und muss, um mir mal mein eigenen Lebensunterhalt verdienen zu könnnen, wie jede/r andere auch arbeiten gehen, keine Frage.
Ich sitze schon knapp 3 Monate zu Hause herum, weil ich mir eine Auszeit nehmen musste, ich wollte im August langsam nach Jobs suchen, ich bin noch bis Ende September als Student immatrikuliert, obwohl ich ja schon seit knapp 3 Monaten mein Bachelor Abschluss in der Tasche habe.
Aufgrund meiner Unsicherheiten, sozialen Ängste und der Angst davor meine Komfortzone zu verlassen, betrüge ich mich irgendwie selbst und nehme die Jobsuche irgendwie nicht ernst genug. Ich hab mich irgendwie zu sehr an diese “Faulheit” gewöhnt, dass da irgendwie nicht mehr rausfinde. Aufgrund meiner Probleme hab ich auch kaum richtig den Antrieb richtig auf Jobsuche zu gehen, bzw. das ernst zu nehmen.
Versteht mich nicht falsch, ich habe damals während meines Studiums viel nebenbei im Supermarkt als Aushilfe gearbeitet. Ein 5 Monatiges Praktikum habe ich ebenfalls absolviert. Nur die Sache ist, dass ich jetzt, wo es zu der Überleitung zwischen Schul- und Berufsleben kommt, Angst habe + mich an einen gewissen Grad an die “Faulheit” gewöhnt habe. Ich sitze jetzt nicht 24/7 vor dem TV oder PC, aber meine Tage ähneln sich halt sehr. Und das macht mich auch irgendwie verrückt, aber aus diesem Kreislauf komme ich irgendwie nicht raus (Gedanken/Grübeln vor Angst + Faulheit)
Was könnte ich nun tun, um diesen Widerspruch zu meistern? Also dass ich arbeiten will, aber die Jobsuche nicht ernstgenug nehme und ich irgendwie kein Bock zum Arbeiten habe?
You have it yourself in your hand…
It’s your life and only one!
Just ask yourself three questions:
“Who am I?”
“What good can I do?”
“Where are my bottlenecks on the way to more happiness and satisfaction?”
I repeat myself: self-knowledge helps you to get better understood with all possible challenges of life, with other people or their own moods. And self-knowledge never stops. The more you find out about yourself, the more exciting it becomes.
“Do I feel like a victim in this life or as a creator and designer?”
Anyone who sees himself as a victim of other people, circumstances, illness, politics or the economy weakens by this attitude alone and harms themselves with it.
Do not misunderstand: Of course, many of us are played badly. Sometimes we just come under the wheels of major developments, which we really have no influence on. Sometimes, through our deeds and omissions, we have had our share of our difficulties. And often we can’t do anything about it.
But it doesn’t help: that’s how life is. This is not about who blames my misery. It’s about how I’m getting better. Who is dissatisfied with his life asks the following question:
“What do I want to use my attention and energy? ‘
I can concentrate on how hard I have it, how mean the others are, how nasty the world is and that I can’t do anything. With this I give up myself and my life, I make myself a victim and I cement my inability and powerlessness. Of course, no one does that with purpose or with stupidity. Of course not. This does not matter – the effect is the same.
The better alternative: I refocus on what I can do myself to improve my situation. This is often difficult, exhausting and costs overcoming. But it suddenly releases energy. Something to do feels 1000x better than to feel faint and helpless. And you can always do something if you consistently search for solutions and systematically stimulate your own possibilities.
I automatically take my life into my hands and become a creator.
No therapist can help you if you are not willing to help you. What such a help looks like: therapists help you feel better again, so that you will be good for you in time.
In other words: Do not expect the others or the world around you to change. Change something. Change.
Change your attitude to yourself. Take your life in your hand. Only you can know what’s good for you. Live your life and not life that others pretend to you. Just be yourself.
Leaveing the victim role means taking responsibility. I mean, first of all, it’s your own task to make sure you’re okay. And that you are aware that you are part of a system that you can help. Whether this is in your own family, company or company.
Only you alone are responsible for the things that you do, which you leave and allow. Always keep in mind that it doesn’t hurt you when your behavior hurts others, it’s their problem.
You have the right not to justify your behavior.
You have the right to refuse responsibility for the problems of other people.
You have the right to express your opinion and values.
You have the right to change your mind at any time.
You have the right to say no without feeling guilty.
Best regards
Thank you
The fact that new sections in life are associated with all kinds of worries and fears is quite normal. It is important that you do it anyway! And thereby creates the jump over your own shadow.
Therefore, put HEUTE down and put your application documents together! Find out at least one job alert that could fit well. Write this first application and send it off!
And tomorrow you’ll look for the next job call. And after the next day.
And then you’ll see what’s coming from where you’re invited and what invitations lead to a specific job offer. Only when these first concrete offers are on the table is the next step – the decision you take. And then the next – the beginning in this job.
But as I said – Start HEUTE, stop pushing, just do it!
Yeah, well, it’s going to be hard without goals – what if you don’t know where and what to do?
You don’t just put yourself in the car and drive away (except of course you are enjoying car driving;-)
Goals are our anchor and drive in life, and often it is so that people fall into a hole when they have reached a goal (in your case, the study is finished) and then “not coming”.
The path is not the target – > is one of my blog articles in which I write both why we need goals but also how we set them and find them.
Good morning, maybe talk to a familiar person or psychologist as well as go to the employment office, love greeting
You can only give yourself the necessary ass kick.
Besides, you basically know what to do. Just do it yourself.
You could occasionally take a look at your account balance.