Ich will abnehmen?

Ich bin grad 13 156 und wiege 80kg

Ich hasse mein gewicht so sehr dass ich mich schäme draußen zu sein ich versuche alles an mir zu ändern style meine haare schminke mich dusche jeden tag trotzdem findet mich jeder hässlich nur weil ich fett bin ich hasse es beleidigt zu werden und schlechter behandelt zu werden als dünnere mädchen ich habe dass gefühl dass ich von niemanden gemocht werde ich kann aber nicht aufhören zu essen fange ich einmal an gibt es keinen stopp gibt es etwas um trotzdem abzunehmen?

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2 years ago

Hey, I think the way of thinking should be different. Not “How do I take anyway,” because it sounds in an eating disorder and that would really suck. “How can I stop eating my hatred.” You’re full of feelings you don’t have, and food makes it easier to stop. This can also end in an eating disorder.

Please find a therapy. It can help to better deal with the feelings before you end up in a eating disorder. It’s good to negotiate.

And… I’m sorry you’re being finished. That’s not fair and if I read how hurt you do, I’d like to comfort you. I very much hope you can start a therapy quickly and get it all better.

Best for you

2 years ago
  1. The only person who must like you is you yourself, after that everything else is second
  2. To take off, you just have to stay in the calorie deficit. This means taking less calories than you consume the day. Sport only supports this process
  3. If you can’t stop eating, try eating the right thing. rice, magerquark, cucumbers (salt cucumber or sour cucumbers), drink a lot of water
  4. trick 17: if you starve drink water when you still starve again water drink, then you still starve you drink more water and only after that you eat something and then what I wrote under point 3.
  5. somewhat unhealthy but very effective for a short time. I got down from 103 to 86 kilos in 3 months by cucumbers and water. This means absolutely no other than gurken and water. All day, every day. Only take-off, every day for lunch, brushed tents without oil in a pan and properly salt. No supplements, only the meat from a pack. Then again grink and water when you starve.

but as I said, is not very healthy, only for a short time to achieve quick results.

2 years ago
Reply to  GeneralBimb

Your tips may be really good, but please remember that here is a 13 year old who has been extremely humiliated by bullying. The food tips are a bit difficult because it can quickly tilt into dogmatic eating behavior

2 years ago

Hmm. You can be right.

I had to fight with the same problems with weight in the old one.
Should I better remove it?

2 years ago

Thank you, at the first commentary, I thought about how to write it up, thank you for your note:)

2 years ago

I think you have well contextualized it and created another framework of understanding. Find especially your last comment very important 🙂

2 years ago

murks, I don’t give you any of my tips without discussing this with your parents. They will certainly help you even if you openly talk to them about how you want to change something and can have an eye on it so that you don’t go through it too extremely in unhealthy dimensions.

and always think that the ones who hack on others are usually with the biggest problems because they are dissatisfied with their own lives and want to get half all the others down to their stage

2 years ago

Well, you hate your weight, but you can’t stop eating. Nothing, nothing comes. Either, it’s all like it or you’re taking something against your overweight. Your decision.

2 years ago
Reply to  Orawit

Age how to talk on this platform some people with VERY GOODS

2 years ago

This is an evil vicious circle. The frustration often automatically causes you to bite a lot. Showering and sinking unfortunately also does not make the problem better. Distraction would be good. A hobby, a sport. Find something you’re really enjoying and what you’re doing right. Trust someone above all. If your parents don’t listen to it, Google times after the “number against grief”. they have experience with your problem and can help in many ways.

2 years ago

Hello so you can’t lose weight, you need to get under control first, you can try to get a takeoff, there are 3-4 weeks away from your environment and can learn to feed you properly

2 years ago

Take off for you and not for others so you don’t feel under pressure

Find the causal that prevents you from taking off and try to bypass them best start with small steps if you can’t give up immediately

And drink a lot of water also helps to lose weight:D

But basically healthy feeding and much movement

2 years ago

First of all, in order to take off, you have to enter a calorie deficit / lead less calories to you than you consume. To achieve this, you should first determine your daily calorie requirement. You can calculate this roughly (for women: GU (kcal/day) = 655 + (9.5 x weight in kg) + (1.9 x size in cm) – (4.7 x age in years)) or track through calories (e.g. with the MyFitnessPal app) and regular weighing. Once you’ve determined this, you know how many calories you can take to you daily to keep your weight. In order to take off, you either need to adjust your calorie intake so that it is below your current calorie consumption or increase your calorie consumption by more exercise and sports (ideally both). The easiest way to do this is to get rid of sugary beverages and to scratch on which ones that do not have calories / water, tea, coffee, zero drinks, etc. and also drink a lot of them. Also best to drink a large glass of water before eating. In addition, you should make sure to eat a few sweets etc. These foods hardly sown you, but have many calories and are also unhealthy. Generally, you should give up snacks for between and limit yourself to 3 meals that sown you and ideally taste good. It’s best to deal with nutrition. In addition, you can also do sports, but also work without. If you stick to it, you can reach without much effort and starve, a good calorie deficit, which you can keep in the long term. This allows you to decrease until you reach your desired figure. So start and get something, it’s worth it! Fun 🙂