ich wil mir ein Auto kaufen das 800€ kostet aber es hat potentielle mängel?
ich will mir ein auto kaufen aber es gäbe dsa potentille probleme
Motor und Getriebe laufen Fahrzeug ist fahrbereit, rostet hinten am Radkasten, reifen müssten neu gemacht werden. ist das ein problem und wird das teuer?
Because you don’t know the inserate, you can’t make a statement. Rust likes to come from the inside. Outside you have a few bubbles and there’s nothing inside. Then you can put 2500€ in your 800€ car. Plus tyres.
With the budget you can only see that it has a valid HU and can still drive it off
A car for 800€ will be an expensive construction site. Rust is never good and can be expensive if you don’t know anyone who can be cheap for a welding. I would also strongly doubt the rust and tire will be the only problems.
ok in which price region would you look
To get something halfway decent, not under 2500€.
Put 5000 on it and buy something neat
so much I don’t see about 1500 max
You need a lot, good luck, toi, toi, toi