Ich wiege mehr als zuvor😫?
Ich bin w_19. Ich weiß nicht warum aber ich fühle mich wegen die 3kg schon etwas dicker als zuvor und day stört mich ☠️ ich wiege eigentlich immer so 61/62kg und jetzt wiege ich auf ein mal 64kg und das stört mich extrem. Ich bin 1.77 groß und eigentlich hätte ich gerne 60kg 🙁. Ich Versuche das irgendwie mit nicht essen auszugleichen…. da ich eh nie viel Hunger habe….
Was meint ihr??
Hello! It is normal that our weight can vary, and an increase of 3 kg within a short time is not unusual. However, it is important to understand that the weight is not the only indication of our health and that there are many factors that can affect our weight.
If you feel that you feel uncomfortable and that your weight is a problem for you, you could try to focus on a healthy lifestyle rather than eating less. A healthy lifestyle includes a balanced diet, regular exercise and sufficient sleep.
Try to focus on nutritious foods and avoid processed foods and sugary beverages. Also make sure you drink enough water as this is important for metabolism and digestion.
Instead of leaving the food completely, you should rather take small but regular meals to you. If you come out for a long time without food, it may be that your body switches to hunger mode and lowers your metabolic rate, which may cause your body to store fat.
It is also important that you regularly exercise or move. This can help you burn calories and build muscle mass, which in turn can improve your metabolism.
Finally, you should remember that it is normal that our weight fluctuates, and that it is important not to put too much pressure on yourself. Focus on a healthy lifestyle and be proud of your body and what he does for you.
She weighs too little anyway and doesn’t have to pay much attention to nutrition…
no she does not
I’ll do it to sports.
According to BMI, 60 kg would be the lowest limit. Of course, light underweight would not be bad.
60 – 76 kg
Your ideal weight
If you weigh between 60 and 76 kg, everything is OK.
If you’re never hungry, that’s all right. You’d have to force yourself to eat just to keep the weight.
I feel the same and I don’t force myself anymore, just because the BMI might be too low.
Therapy would be appropriate. If you feel thicker by 3kg, which are still considered to be a normal fluctuation and has hardly any hunger, this is a good reason to go to the doctor at least once and to address this there.
I know that too well. I w/16 180 weigh 65-66kg and find it very bad if I weigh more in the evening.
Och even weighed 2-3 kg more for a time, and it really disturbed me and made me finish. But that went down sometime.
There were also times when I ate more and even took off.
So conclusion: I’d rather keep eating, because otherwise it comes to the Jo effect and I can only talk about myself, but it sounds like you’re so similar. Since that time these 2-3 kg were so bad for me, in my head, always when I eat something, thoughts with the concern that one increases un that is extremely unhealthy. Unfortunately, I can’t get this off and have a urge to do sports as soon as I ate something. If it’s so bad with you, just try to listen to your body and eat what you want.
Ps: at 64kg on 177cm, you don’t have to worry at all, then you’re pretty slim.
Not 180 centimeters in size?
But already 180cm size
In a way, perhaps that is true
It’s not so great to be so big as a woman. I find that difficult the choice of partners and high shoes are then completely excluded
I’d like to be smaller
Famos. You’re half as old as me, female and…
So at 177cm size 60kg are too little anyway.
64kg are actually too little or very limit value. You shouldn’t even lose weight.
What also kills me are my thoughts lichen️ there I am open xd also does my knee time just a year wee 😖
Pain at knees, orthopedic. Good improvement
I was found
Although I could barely walk
Don’t worry about it. Can be careful what you eat. No sweets and sweet drinks. Then you lose the 3 kilos very quickly.
I already eat healthy
In the cycle the weight fluctuates anyway.
At the same time.
Nothing to eat is stupid. It only slips in an eating disorder.