Ich werde verrückt?
ich bin ein 15 Jahre alter Junge, der vor Kurzem in die 11. Klasse gekommen ist.
Seit einiger Zeit (meist abends im Bett liegend) beschäftige ich mich mit der Frage, was hinter dem Universum ist. Ich versuche einen Sinn in der Existenz zu finden, mein begrenztes Wissen lässt dies allerdings nicht zu. Ich habe nun so oft und intensiv darüber nachgedacht, dass mir der Sinn des Lebens entgangen ist, ich nicht mehr am Leben teilnehmen kann wie zuvor und mir immer denke, dass alles völlig irrelevant ist. Es ist wie eine Art Realitätsverlust. Vom Gefühl her ähnlich zu verstehen wie Depression, nur das ich rein garnichts mehr fühle, da ich den Bezug zur Realität verloren habe. Das hört sich jetzt vermutlich extrem weit hergeholt und übertrieben an, aber ich bin schon so weit, dass ich teilweise Nächte lang wach bin, weil ich mit dieser Unwissenheit nicht klarkomme. Selbst wenn es eine Erklärung für das Universum gibt, es stellt sich für mich als absolut paradox heraus. Ich komme immer wieder zu dem Ergebniss, dass es egal wie viele Erklärungen man findet, niemals ein Ergebniss geben wird.
Ich drehe langsam völlig durch…
That’s it, you can’t know.
What’s left to you? To find your whole life an answer that you will never get and turn through sooner or later, or just make the best of your life
Your decision
One more who arrived here 🤣
And no, you’re not going crazy
Hello Ansgar,
one can approach the question of the meaning of life from two directions. One is the vision of an atheist, the other is that of a believer. What’s the difference?
Someone who doesn’t believe in God must give himself a sense of life. For example, he could look for jobs he believes they would fill him out and make him happy.
A possibility in which some deep satisfaction has been found is altruistic activity, professional or voluntary. Nevertheless, in the life of one or the other atheists, tormenting questions remain open, which can cause doubt and severely limit the happiness of life. Such questions could be, for example:
If you think about life more intensively, these or similar questions are almost involuntary. And it can be very frustrating not to get any answers to it.
How could a believer look like? Granted, only faith in a God does not guarantee that one understands what the meaning of life exists. And then there was also the question by which religious book God revealed himself.
In order not to make the answer too long, I would like to point out that overwhelmingly much speaks of the Bible being this book. And what does she say about the meaning of life?
In order to find out this, one could once more deal with the personality and life of Jesus, the Son of God. Why? Well, as a perfect person who also had a heavenly past, he knew like no other what to do to be truly happy.
In his most famous speech, the so-called mountain sermon, he spoke a lot of what makes a person happy. For example, he said:
‘Happy are those who are aware that they need God…” (Matthew 5:3).
What did Jesus want to say? Quite simply: Our happiness depends above all on building a close relationship with God! This, of course, includes a lot. A relationship with God is only obtained when one gets to know him through his word, the Bible, and is ready to live according to his will (which includes, for example, the biblical standards). Jesus knew this from his own experience, and so he could say with conviction in a prayer:
‘My food is to carry out the will of him who sent me and to finish his work” (John 4:34).
For Jesus it was like a tasty meal to do what God expected of him – so close was his relationship with his heavenly Father. From my own experience, I can say that it is very satisfying when one leads a life in accordance with God. And I know many who say that friendship with God is the most important and most valuable in their lives.
Of course, there are many others that contribute to a happy, fulfilled life: for example, a well-functioning marriage or partnership, your own children, with whom you understand well and a profession where you can get yourself and your skills full. But this is not enough!
As you can see, the meaning of life depends on things that can be achieved and implemented for everyone. It is important that you set goals instead of just letting yourself go and wait for others to make one happy.
LG Philipp
Hey. That’s a serious question. Both the universe and your explanation or your question. I have to think about it for a long time, but maybe it’s not that important what’s behind it. You’re much more important. Letting your life be controlled by it would be a fatal mistake. Look at documentation about the universe. Maybe they’ll help you. But if you lie in bed in the evening, think about the beautiful moments of the day. Even small things make life beautiful.
I found my sense. My mind, maybe it helps you:
Of course you can have fun. One can do meaningfully, for example, help people, be there for others, use for the environment or donate money. I’m thinking of fair trade.
I’m Christ. Many people believe that God gives meaning to life. God loves you. If you want to know something that convinces me that there is God, you can ask me, for example, or go to my profile.
Hey, thanks for your answer. I’ve already tried with faith, but I just can’t believe. This leads to the same result for me: “What is behind God?”. In addition, I can convince myself as much as I would like to believe, deep inside me I will never be able to believe in it…
I think this phase is just about getting older. I and many from my acquaintance have done this. You will be aware of everything for the first time and are busy thinking about others all the time that you forget yourself completely. Like watching an ant farm. I think it has always helped to talk to people who are also in this philosophical thinking.
Come on. Just try to focus on you and distract yourself when this thought spiral begins.
You would only like to have answered certain questions that concern you.
I’m just telling you!
Study certain topics such as astrology or geology or in your case about the universe.
But the question is!
Do you have time next to your Abi?!
It is so always and somewhere time to form!
The only thing is that no matter how much knowledge I acquire, there will never be a sense behind everything. Perhaps I lack the ability to formulate, but this “nothing” is impossible to describe and I just can’t think about it even though I want it so much.
No, don’t be mad.
Many deal with the same questions.
Who can do that, please. As no one knows what’s behind the universe.
To get more connection to you, it can help to make “Grounding” exercises like the “5-4-3-2-1 exercise”
If it hasn’t worked much, repeat this exercise.
You can also try to make it clear that not only do you have this uncertainty but all people, as no one knows an answer to the questions.