Ich werde nie richtig satt?
Auch wenn ich ein (für mich) großen Mittagessen/Frühstück/Abendbrot esse.
Was kann man dagegen tun? Außer mehr essen
Hallo! Ich bin weiblich, 21 Jahre alt und ich glaube, ich muss was an meinem Leben verändern. In letzter Zeit habe ich mich oft sehr schlecht gefühlt. Mein Körper hat sich müde angefühlt und kleine Aufgaben sind teilweise sehr schwer. Dazu muss ich sagen, dass ich keinen besonders guten / gesunden Lebensstil habe. Bei 1,62m…
suche etwas, das einen nicht übermässig satt macht und anstrengt und gleichzeitig dennoch magenknurren verhindert. Sollte gut zu transportieren sein
Was ist eurer Meinung dazu https://www.focus.de/gesundheit/eu-laesst-insekten-in-brot-und-kaese-zu-woran-sie-das-erkennen_1c20818c-75e8-4b7d-9e3d-201408d433fd.html
hey, vorab ich bin m/13. Ich esse öfter Proteinriegel und frage mich manchmal ob es wirklich was bringt also ich weiß es sind Supplements aber es sollte ja trotzdem beim Muskelaufbau helfen. Ist dad ungesund ich esse max 5 pro Woche. Sonst ernähre ich mich sehr ausgeglichen und gesund. Danke im Voraus
Your body is like a super intelligent phone that constantly sends you updates to make sure everything goes round. When he sends you the message: “Hey, I’m still hungry!” it’s like a little memory that he might need more “fuel” or maybe you didn’t choose the right “apps” (i.e. food) to keep him running optimally. Imagine you’re playing a game on your phone that consumes a lot of battery, but you forgot to charge it. Your phone will tell you that the battery is low and it needs more energy. Your body basically does the same when he asks for more food – he needs more energy to keep everything going from your brain to your toes. But here it becomes tricky: Sometimes your body sends the message “I am hungry” for other reasons. Maybe you have supplied enough energy (i.e. calories) but not the right nutrients. That’s like you’re trying to use an app that needs certain features of your phone, but you haven’t activated. Your body then says, “Hey, I need more of this special nutrient to work properly!” And just how you can adjust settings on your phone to work better, you can also adjust your diet to make sure your body gets everything it needs. It’s about finding the right balance so that you feel great and your “human phone” runs optimally. It’s really cool how smart our body is, isn’t it? He knows exactly what he needs, and it’s up to us to listen to these messages and act accordingly. So the next time your body says he’s hungry, remember it could be more behind it. It is an opportunity to hold in and really think about what your body is trying to tell you. And if it’s the amount of food that the body wants when he says “I’m not fed up yet,” it’s the amount. Then you can’t say to the body “Hey body, call me another reason why you’re reporting.”
Vlt actually eats too little and should eat more. Look at this with a dietary diary, including calorie counting.
But what can be very good is that your diet is not balanced enough. Too little proteins, fats or vitamins. Does too little liquid…
Or are you doing low carb? There are people who don’t understand. Always feel hungry.
I count calories.
And… are you eating more than you need or less?
The ratio between carbohydrates, proteins and fat is always important. To eat consciously (not constantly snacking) and get used to regular meals.
Best not to watch TV while eating and so don’t chew too fast and also drink 1 glass of water hope that helps:)
Great portions, eating enough in a sitting so that hunger does not always appear here and there
You can practice that too!
If you don’t understand, nutritional, exercise counselor, you know each other.
Good luck!
Eat enough and not eat everything again… 🙄
I won’t!