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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Nicotine can have a stimulating effect, especially if you do not consume it too often. So I thought it was normal.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Thanks very much ⭐

2 years ago

This is completely normal through the nicotine beats your heart even faster and blablabla in any case I’ve always been awake at the time when you’ve got to be the right strain so you’ll get tired if you mean that more indica lasting varieties

2 years ago

yes and no…

2 years ago

Actually, the cigarette calms. But maybe the nicotine will bring your cycle back.

But I’d take care of myself when I smoke. I’m ex smoker and I’m really glad I’m off the shit.

2 years ago
Reply to  MTora450

That’s exactly what I did. Changed from smoking to steam and continued to drive down the nicotine content.

The problem was the lungkick while pulling I missed when I went too far down with the nicotine content.

2 years ago

what exactly is meant by this, you are not tired because of nicotine it also does not prevent fatigue, to min usually nich.

and you have no idea what you smoke

Nowadays you can really mix everything.

and if you have sleep problems let melatonin check our sleep hormone in the brain.

Ahja and lights out, brain gets tired at dark nich at bright.

2 years ago
Reply to  MTora450

can be that which has strange effects with you, that would be a single case with you, I really know something like that, I have to keep up with coffee.

and smoke for a long time, but keep normal tobacco, but it’s likely that it’s bad now.

I google of the time xD