Ich werde nicht high?
Hey. Habe die letzten Male beim feiern immer was eingeworfen mit ner Freundin zusammen, bei ihr hat mans schon an den Augen etc. bemerkt nach ner halben Stunde. Bei mir hat man es die vier Male (immer einige Wochen Abstand und so) garnicht gemerkt. Ich habe auch nachgeworfen aber wurde NIE high.
woran liegt das?
High is usually made by cannabis. Cannabis is mostly smoked.
If you’ve thrown in something and it doesn’t work, then there’s a high probability that you’ve got ineffective stuff or substances that are not suitable to trigger a noise experience (head pain tablets, blood pressure sinks, etc.).
Sometimes you have to rely on the effect without expectations.
Do you take other medicines? So from the doctor? There are those who prevent the effect of some other substances.
Or it wasn’t an active ingredient in it, just aspirin or something.
No do not take anything so medicamentous but I have always shared the parts and worked with the others
You wait and hope something happens. If you take it unexpectedly, it looks different
I’ve brought it to the ground twice… never again, it’s a really bad thing