Ich werde fremde Katze nicht mehr los?
Hey. Es ist so, dass vor dem Balkon meiner EG – Wohnung vor ca. 6 Wochen eine süße Mieze unterwegs war… Hab mir nichts dabei gedacht und sie aus Spaß gerufen. Das hat am Anfang auch zu überhaupt nichts geführt und die Katze schaute mich an wie der letzte Abschaum 😅 Sie kam dann aber wieder und 3 Tage später lag sie auf meinem Balkon. Hatte das Gefühl sie fühlte sich richtig wohl, total zutraulich und lieb. Naja seitdem kommt sie… Vor 3 Tagen war es so schlimm, dass sie nachts lauter miaut hat als ihr euch vorstellen könnt 😂 Das krasse ist, sobald ich reagiere, oder die Katze in meine Wohnung lasse, will sie kuscheln… Ich weiß nicht wohin sie gehört, aber ich hab sie gerne 😀
Was würdet ihr machen / wie werde ich sie wieder los, bzw welches Verhalten ist hier richtig?
They are now increasingly looking for warm places. At the state of care and health, you can see if she has to go through alone.
If she doesn’t look healthy, don’t feed. It’s not your cat
Take her to the vet and let him see if she belongs to someone. If you don’t have a cat now.
Hang up leaflets with their photo and at the same time search on the Internet for example in a local Facebook group to see if it is missing. If you don’t want to keep them, they’ll leave them at the shelter or keep them and care until someone reports to you.
That’s the thing, she doesn’t come for three days. I conclude that she eats somewhere and probably also has owners 😅
I’d even ask myself. Vl doesn’t she come home daily? Have you ever been to vet if she had a chip?
If you give food and strings, you’ll never get rid of them again. Maybe call Tasso or let the vet check.
You can distribute leaflets or look with the cat to the TA and for a chip.
The cat at any rate will not feed or leave the apartment, otherwise it will come again and again
If she’s suspicious, she’s used to people. In cats, the radius of the precinct can be two kilometers in extreme cases. Most of the time, they are only up to 200m around their home. Of course, you can take the cat to the vet who can see if it’s chipped. Each responsible cat holder lets his fur noses cast and chip… Then you know where she belongs.
Good evening,
I had this problem too, unfortunately, I went for a walk and a mice went after me, the next day she was still there, then I wanted to accompany her back and went back on the road with her, there came a truck and the mice is under it. Terrible experience, can only recommend asking if someone misses his cat and otherwise bring them to a shelter, and if necessary let them check for a chip.
Greetings from