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The last name Kesner has several possible origins, but it is often associated with Jewish families from Eastern Europe, especially from Poland and Ukraine. There are various theories about the origin of the name:
1. Polish or Jidish: The name could be a derivation of the Polish or Jewish word “keer” (krone), which could indicate a ancestor who had a crowning or outstanding position, possibly a title or a symbol of dignity.
Two. Professional origin: Another theory is that the name may have been derived from a profession or activity, for example from a “Keser” than someone associated with a certain kind of craft or royal task, although this meaning is difficult to demonstrate.
3. Geographical origin: The name could also derive from a geographical location or region, for example from a small place called Kesner or similar, with this theory being less and more rare to understand.
I have also seen somewhere where there are also Jewish or Bavarian ancestors, but my father actually knows that we have Swabian ancestors and we are actually Christian from faith my family?
the last name doesn’t come from the last 3 generations….that can thrive for centuries, you could make a b test, that’s quite exciting^
Okay but thanks for the answer
A ancestor probably founded a dairy and started producing cheese.
But the last name is different kastner isn’t Kesner?