Ich weiss das ich hilfe brauche aber wo kann ich mich melden?

Hallo miteinander,

es geht darum das ich weiß das es mir psychisch nicht gut geht. Ich verbringe seit jahren mein leben in meinem zimmer. Nach de Arbeit komme ich nachhause und mache garnichts mehr. Ich möchte am liebsten niemanden hören oder sehen. Habe gute Arbeitskollegen die ich mag und sie schreiben mir oft ob wir was unternehmen möchten. Ich sage immer ab weil es mir an jeglicher kraft fehlt. Ich habe mich gehen lassen habe viel zugenommen und habe kein selbstbewusst sein mehr. Ich bin am verzweifeln. Ich habe es mit meinem Arzt besprochen er meinte ich brauche eine zwei wöchige auszeit aber nein ich weiss das es keine auszeit braucht sondern mehr. Wo kann ich mich melden?

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4 months ago

Your first point of contact is your pediatrician who can explain the physical symptoms and explain the relationships of the symptoms with stress and mental stress.

Then turn to your health insurance, send a list of psychologists.

Your health insurance, the appointment service, also helps you find a psychologist

4 months ago

Your doctor is a good doctor, he knows the stupid talking at the psychoterapist doesn’t bring anything.

Psychotherapists also tell you only that you should go out, seek new friends, seek new hobbies. to revive old hobbies.

And yes, I did. It didn’t help me.

4 months ago
Reply to  Wasgehtab588

Not at all. Finally, I felt that I did everything I did in this direction only for you. But that doesn’t help me because I’ve always done everything for others in my life so that you don’t see how bad I really feel.

I don’t even know what the task was that I should do for this afternoon if I have another hour with her. (The official time of this therapy is still 3 hours) I still have to hollow it out of the car and make it even though I had free for a whole week and it would have been possible for a long time. Actually, I’m just trying to help you, this behavioral therapy has helped me almost nothing.

I guess you’re trying to tell me you tried everything.

4 months ago

Ne the drugs I have already done without consultation, they have worsened it, nix positive. It’s generally not that shed it, I’ve got a lot of days to distract me from work and after work comes the deep hole. Sometimes the deep hole is deeper and sometimes it is not so deep. So the positive things to which I had to force myself in the last 3 months have not changed a switch. She wants me to register for another therapy with another insitute or psycholgin because I was just in such a rechargeable program. As I said, I don’t see any sense in there anymore.

4 months ago

so it is ineffective and brainwashing at the same time. But it sounds like you’re no longer at the deepest point – even if you write it to the medication. Because it could have become much more negative… and with probably many years that the situation has built up safely with you with only 10 hours, stop the further deterioration and seemingly turn into positive with medicative support… I think it’s surprisingly good! Now imagine you had taken another 10 hours outside the therapy and worked on the topics… where would you stand?

4 months ago

Actually, I didn’t know that I had a therapy anyway, but I thought at my deepest point ever that I had this year, there is a lot more than just that you have to talk about it a lot is there, but it has proved, it’s nothing more than just Blabla and Girnwäsche what came out. Now that I was there almost 10 hours of my life, and it’s almost over, I can say it’s practically nothing. I won’t renew it either. Aja the antidepressants work with me like Viagra and cause the I to eat less into me, but if that does not eat into me then that means I say what I think then again, for example, at my colleagues. Therefore, as I said, many will come back to life again when your or the questioner finds fun again, HObby goes after etc, that was a large part of my behavioral therapy .

4 months ago

Yeah, obviously sounds like you gave up yourself and do the therapy for your own alibi. Just as you go to the swimming pool, but forget swimwear at home and say: you see, you said it’s not possible, but I tried.

4 months ago

Of course I understood the irony, but still my answer was not ironic. I was already clear where the whole thing goes up, but I still let myself in to say “I tried,” but I’d rather go on wasting with that much more than my time. The 3 hours I still have to do I still… but continue with connection therapy does not bring anything as I said.

4 months ago

Christian, that was ironic. The coach is not responsible for doing my exercises. He shows me how it is – I still have to do it alone. No one can take off the sport. Maybe you need to figure out what responsibility lies with you and which ones with the therapist.

4 months ago

I’m telling you, they’re all gonna help you. But up to say, do that and they don’t do that anymore. You just have no more strength.

4 months ago

was once at the gym coach. I made nix at home, unfortunately still not fitter. The coach thinks he’s guilty, right?

4 months ago

I got a whole list, with which I had to create meaningful plans for my spare time so that I could find other thoughts, sensual hobbies that are fun to me, the healthy ones etc and where I can find new friends.

If you’re not as far on the ground as I am, you should do these things, you don’t need a psychologist.

4 months ago

Well, learn about psychotherapy and Google how to find a therapist in your area. You can also contact the health insurance company