Ich weiß nicht, ob ich vegan sein schaffe?
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Ich habe seit ungefähr 1 Jahr ein Hin und Her zwischen vegan sein und alles essen.
Auf der einen Seite möchte ich nicht weiter das Tierleid unterstützen, aber auf der anderen Seite habe ich auch große Probleme was das Essen angeht.
Ich esse nicht wirklich viel und manchmal auch nur eine Mahlzeit am Tag und ich merke, dass ich, wenn ich vegan bin ich sehr einseitig esse, weil ich vieles nicht mag.
Findet ihr eine vegane Ernährung sinnvoll?
Und was sagt ihr? Ist eine vegane Ernährung schwierig ?
I’m not a vegan or veget, but your problem seems to be simple to solve. Look at the world not only black and white.
For example, you could say that you’re at home Vegan, but you’re vegetarian. You could start living with only 1-2 days of vegan to get used to it and the others vegetarian.
If Vegan is good (I don’t want to start a discussion, we just take this on) then it’s better to be 2 out of 7 days’ journey instead of 0 out of 7?
Even if you aren’t full of vegans but be careful that you only grab vegetarian options if there is no alternative for you?
You don’t have to say I’m vegan and then eat and live completely vegan immediately. There’s no reason for that, or someone forces you to.
Then support the farmers who keep the animals so that it is OK for you.
As a vegetarian you can buy the products of these farmers, and the products from the bad stance you leave.
A vegan sees that the pig has little space in the stable, and then becomes vegan (no more meat) so that the “meat industry” is not supported. He thinks that the pig then lives longer (it does, and grows, so it has even less space) and thus suffers longer. He does it because of the animals.
But does it really use the animal if there is less space? Wouldn’t it be better to slaughter an animal so that the others can get more space?
Then he no longer eats honey so that the beekeeper (animal industry) is not supported. The fact that all the fruits (fruit, some vegetables, spices, vegetable or flower seeds) were pollinated by bees, and that in the “vegan” almonds, hundreds of thousands of bees came to death, they dazzle.
I don’t just eat meat. Also eggs, dairy products, honey, bread, potatoes, vegetables, noodles, fruits and mushrooms.
I note a slight incompatibility with wheat products.
Since I didn’t torment my animals, their meat is not an animal quality product. Even no animal suffers when you prepare meat from the freezer.
And if I don’t eat animal products, so as far as possible and practically feasible, i.e. to 98% of the day, I’m vegan.
“And what do you say? A vegan diet is difficult”
Yes, it is difficult, so vegans also have to deal intensively with their food so that they do not get nutrient deficiency.
It would be easier if they understood the principle “as far as possible and practical” and that would not be mistranslated into “I want my vegan extra sausage”.
Not to mention the racist aim to eradicate farm animals.
“From the racist goal to eradicate farm animals, not to mention.”
For many highly cultivated “used animals” that are exploited and sickened to the limit of their genetic potential, it would be more a blessing not to be born anymore!
Here you should distinguish…
You’re getting your horses. This is other purposes (for definition)
Would it have been better for your life if the horses had already been erased, and there would not have been any in your “prevegan period”?
And can the next young girls no longer ride horses?
Vegans do not distinguish in useful, natural or highly grown. The highland bark should leave just like the Dülmener Wildpferd or the dark honey bee, the original natural bee breed in Northern Europe.
I only write the “suspended” because vegans, when it comes to animal parks or zoos, argue that the animals are exploited by looking at them, because the visitors get to them, there it is again: adore.
But you’d be sad if you were to take your horses away and they wouldn’t be with you anymore. They also bring some joy to life, even if you have to take care of them daily.
With me, “not away” – on the contrary!
While I speak out, I probably made it quite clear…
I’m not “assuring” my animals – they’re a part of my life without having to use them somehow, quite the contrary…
“Vegan” refers not only to nutrition, but to the whole way of life! Try it with vegitar!
Vegan nutrition is a malnutrition and contradicts human nature. And you’re right, it’s almost impossible to feed on it because you can’t eat anything. No eggs, no cheese, no yogurt, no milk, no butter… I couldn’t cook at all.
Try vegetarianism. No animals have to be slaughtered for this, but it allows a balanced diet. Despite the absence of meat and fish, animal protein sources are available to you (eggs, dairy products) as well as important vitamins supplied only through animal products (B12). And: It offers a wide range of food you can draw from. Food (and cook) should also be fun and not become a joyless forced exercise, which is subject to ideological reasons. This is the direct way to eating disorders. Yes, it is that animal products belong to the human food chain. The fight against nature is hopeless.
What about you now? Ever tried to be vegan?
I prefer vegan food as meat or cheese, I noticed the last time I had a salami with blood taste, because in salami or meat is often blood in it and I found it very disgusting. And well in cheese, stuff from cow breasts is also disgusting for me.
You can also support the animal shelter as a vegan. One does not exclude the other.
However, if you already have problems with eating, I would have that fed with the vegan. The risk is just too great for you that it ends in extreme malnutrition. Especially if you are already eating very one-sidedly. And I say that as a vegan.
I think that should be “animal suffering.” That was probably the auro correction.
Maybe you’ll be more vegetarian. This does not exclude everything, but only products of dead animals are meat, gelatin and lab.
I’ve been a vegetarian myself for a few months and feel very comfortable with it and don’t worry about eating. Often I cook vegan.
Sure, veganism is the perfection for animal welfare, but as a vegetarian you do something for it.
Why do you always have everything or nothing? No one is compelling to diet.
Eat well balanced and healthy.
I eat very little meat and if, then organic meat where attention is paid to animal husbandry.
I would never want to miss eggs and milk products.
Don’t make veganism a substitute religion you have to keep strictly.
You are in a challenging situation as you are torn back and forth between your desire to avoid animal suffering and your personal nutritional needs. A vegan diet can be a good option for some people, but it is important to balance them properly to ensure that you get all the necessary nutrients. If you find that you are eating one-sidedly with a purely vegan diet and it’s hard for you to eat enough, you might consider taking a nutritional advice to make sure your diet is balanced. It is also important to have patience with yourself and make small steps towards a more sustainable diet that works for you.
first we need to clarify something:
are you adult or a child?
as a child you must Definitive Tell your parents, otherwise you can talk the stuff you want, it won’t.
As an adult, of course, you can go shopping yourself / tell people you may live with.
in general, you should learn Vegan recipes (and also cook)
We live in a world where you should be tolerant about eating.
I see no sense of wanting to be vegan. AUSSRDEM (you also note – who wants to eat vegan, that doesn’t matter – I don’t) are all these food supplements suspekt. And if you want to dodge on such stuff as Chia seeds, etc, who knows what’s really inside.
I like to eat vegan, I like vegetarian and I like to eat meat too. We’ve eaten vegetarian for almost two years before this hype. At some point, one of the cheeses hung out to the neck, and we started back with meat and fish. We like to eat vegetables and vegetarian today, but sometimes I want my meat and my sausage. A lot of vegan recipes I find, I need a lot of ingredients that just stand in my closet.
I’m glad I discovered two recipes that are really great. But this is also a complicated one to cook……
The only thing that vegans should supplement is B12 – also do most omni, via the detour animal feed supplements…
During the sun-poor months, all people in northern latitudes should also feed vitaminD.
Vegan is useless and harmful in the long term. So let it be.
My opinion:
A vegan diet is
Try this page:
This takes you the pressure – every one starts small:
Even small steps lead to the goal – even safer than big jumps…;)
All good!
I never find a vegan diet sensible, because it is basically a malnutrition.
It is not suitable for picky eaters at all.
Nix for bad, but “just” because it didn’t work with you, it’s not yet a long time – general – malnutrition!
It’s just unfair to say that.
Nix for bad, but you have no idea of human nutrition.
You will not believe it, but many omnivers are also poorly fed;)
You won’t believe it, but it’s a lot less omni than fashion vegans.
This dare – not only – I doubt…;)
Well, I’ve been living on my “type” for quite a long time:
This healthy, balanced – and without “Mängel”…
Again for understanding:
I’m not suggesting that you don’t work – but that doesn’t give you the right to discredit it for people for a long time!