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I wouldn’t call Berlin and Vienna dirty holes. It always depends on where to stay as a tourist. Berlin has beautiful sights > Brandenburg Gate, Alex, TV Tower, Reichstag, Museumsinsel, Berliner Dom, Checkpoint Charlie, Gendarmenmarkt….. The Hackesche Höfe are a highlight.
I have been in Vienna many times, but for private reasons. Attractions > Schönbrunn Palace, Naschmarkt, Prater with Giant Wheel, Hofburg, Museumsviertel, Kärntner Straße, Stephansdom, Café Central > Herrengasse 14…
Above all, Vienna is very expensive. This applies to a good hotel and good restaurants. One hour Fiaker ride costs 110 euros.
Roma, the eternal city is much more beautiful.
Thank you for the star!
I don’t have to think for a second: of course Vienna!
Vienna – however, we would never go so far alone because of a city visit – we would not live in Vienna – you can do that somewhere cheaper – and a trip on the Danube is also beautiful
For me quite clearly Vienna.
Vienna. Berlin depends on where to go. Generally overrated. It’s got a shithole. Have lived a time there and it wasn’t as planned, despite horny corner.
Touris often go for the permanent party and only the usual spots. If tw is also more uneasy, in the city stinks enormously compared to almost all others. Just at “first contact”. It doesn’t have atmosphere. There are many people living there. Vienna is much more pleasant. Spree / especially the Spreewald but fine
I have never been to Vienna, but Berlin is certainly not! I can go to Bagdad.
I find Vienna more beautiful and elevated.
Oh, Vienna is much more beautiful than Berlin. 😃
Berlin is of course historical and interesting, but Vienna – in addition to these aspects – also offers a high quality of life through its special flair.
I met both towns on class trips in my gymnasial period.
In Vienna I then studied a few years later as part of my art history studies at LMU. This time still means a lot to me.😃
So if you only want to compare the two cities, then Vienna is definitely more beautiful.
If you generally ask in Europe, I would say Rome.
I like Berlin much better. It may be that every gravel is somehow a separate city for itself. But don’t know so much about Vienna.
at any time
Know both cities and have to say Berlin is too hectic to me – Vienna is more comfortable – I also don’t like the Berlin dialect.
Vienna already has something, even though there are now some unsightly corners. I personally like the first district, because it goes straight to the Wienerwald 😊 via the high road
Vienna is much more beautiful. But both cities have become dirty holes.
definitely hown!
From the architecture I would say Vienna, although there are also very beautiful corners in Berlin. :-