Ich versuche seit über eine Stunde die Hautarztpraxis zu erreichen und keiner geht ran?
Hallo, ich versuche seit über eine Stunde die Hautarztpraxis zu erreichen um einen Termin und ein Rezept zu bekommen, habe 35 Mal angerufen und es geht einfach keiner ran. Mal geht keiner ran, Mal ist es besetzt.
Was soll ich da machen?
Was soll ich machen, wenn die Hautarztpraxis nicht zu erreichen ist?
Warum geht die Hautarztpraxis nicht ran?
Wann soll ich wieder anrufen?
Soll ich immer weiter anrufen?
Kann es sein, dass die mit Absicht nicht rangehen?
Was bedeutet es, wenn ich seit über eine Stunde mit 35 Mal anrufen die Arztpraxis versuche zu erreichen und keiner ran geht?
Ist es dann eine gute oder schlechte Arztpraxis?
Sind die Ärzte in dieser Arztpraxis, wenn keiner ran geht gut oder schlecht?
Und bitte mit Begründung
Go to the doctor’s homepage and see if you can make an appointment via Internet. Many doctors now offer this. Some people are no longer different. You can also see the opening hours there or whether the practice is closed, for example, because of holidays.
Can give many causes:
and how it happened to me:
It would also be possible for their employees to be ill and to do the job in practice …
Drive and clear it on site
Why could it be that employees could be sick?
“Why could it be that employees could be sick?”
You’re not serious, are you?
Oh, because people are…
it is almost normal that doctor’s practices are difficult to reach by phone.
Often the very analog way helps, namely the fax. If practice is more modern it can be that there is an email address to which you can write.
Later try again
Later try again
Because a person can always just make calls with a person
No. Imagine that’s all right. Of this, no more lines are released, or the pre-room fair suddenly clones
Yes, but rather unlikely than there is also only one person working and who usually does not look at hundreds of unknown numbers, which unknown number he then does not cancel EXTRA.
This means that you are a very impatient person who has not yet exceeded that he is not the only person who needs an appointment.
You should know better than a patient there. You can’t say that on the phone alone
Do you always ask any questions twice?
Write an email and ask for a callback.
I usually do it.
Write an email, go past or try it further.
You do not have an email address and I cannot go before because the practice is located in another city
Then take the bus!
You want something from them – then you have to try