Ich verstehe Mathe nicht und morgen schreiben wir eine Arbeit was tun?
Hallo, wir schreiben morgen eine Mathe Arbeit und ich verstehe garnichts außer 1 Thema .Was soll ich tun ? (Bin in der 6. klasse ) die Antwort lernen ist nicht gut weil ich versuche es aber verstehe es trotzdem nicht . Die Antwort Nachhilfe ist auch nicht gut weil sowas gibt es in meiner Nähe nicht und meinen Eltern wollen nicht so oft 40 Kilometer fahren . Ich will auch morgen keine 6 oder 5 schreiben bei einer 4 wären meine Eltern auch noch sauer und bei einer 3 so mittel … ABER ICH SCHAFFE NIEMALS EINE 2 . Was soll ich jetzt tun ? Bitte schnell antworten .
I fear failure is the right answer. You’ve waited to this day and you’ve lost every chance to get the fabric on you.
The only thing I would like to say is that it is a shame that we continue to pay citizens’ money to people who have blamed your messed-up life situation. But that will change: we can’t do it anymore!
I don’t understand the end
Wait a few years.
As for your parents:
Then I see two options: 1. They sit down themselves and explain what you don’t understand, or 2. Exciting oneself about something that one does not want to contribute to, is under all conditions.
As for your class work tomorrow:
I’m sorry if I say that, but what do you expect when you first in the evening do you notice writing a job and not mastering the fabric?
Learning has something to do with continuity. Watching things over and over again, thinking about it over and over again… As a result, new synapses are created in the brain and, due to the regular use, broad thought autobahns are made from thin small thinking tramways with time.
You won’t literally understand everything you haven’t understood from today to tomorrow. That’s not how the world works. Yeah, it’s stupid, but you won’t change it. Remember this for all: If you want to learn something, you need to schedule some time. Not hours, but Weeks.
Sleeping between learning units is an important part of learning, as freshly learned from short-term memory is transferred to long-term memory in sleep. In addition, the brain can only record a limited amount of new things every day, and if that is full, it can be left to stay. That’s why you learn more at 10 days a day than when you learn 1 day a whole 10 hours.
Take a look forward: At some point you will write a next class work. Until then it will be a few weeks. Use this time! Learn a bite every week. Watch in class, think with, ask if you don’t understand something – you have someone free of charge, whose task is to explain everything to you, so use it.
If you let everything explain in class, do it at home. As I said, it solidifies by using it. Besides, if you don’t understand things as well as you thought. What then results must:that you ask someone to explain it to you again!
If you can’t do so well with the teacher, ask friends, classmates or other (older) students from your place whether they can explain this to you and that. And there are a lot of good explanation videos on Youtube.
By the way, it doesn’t matter if you like math or not. The does not changethat for a few more years there will be regular math work to write. It also does not change that the brain needs regular exercise to learn. So accept that you need to learn and practice.
https://www.youtube.com/c/lehrerschmidt/videos tried?
Yes all those who have seen fit the topic
“fast” you don’t find a solution. You have to talk to your parents and teachers, tell them that you don’t get behind the fabric and work on a solution. There are e.g. online help. You will have to deal with it from your own initiative.
Many stressful situations we simply have to deal with and cannot avoid them.
The sufficient supply of Magnesium is therefore particularly important.
Children and adolescents need more magnesium than adults.
What does that have to do with the question?
Then you will be calmer, so a math work can be stressful.