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6 months ago

You shall interpret, that is to say, the connection between the count and the context of the matter.

You could say (if anything is wrong)

a) If a customer parks in the garage for 3.5 hours, he must pay €6.

(b) If a customer parks in the garage for 1.5 hours, he pays 3€. This is the same price that non-customers have to pay for parking for only half an hour.

(c) A customer pays less for 4.5 hours of parking than a non-customer for 2.25 hours.

6 months ago

Task a) f(3.5) = 6: That is, in the “saching relationship”:

If a customer of the department store (probably prove with a cashier) parks 3.5 hours in the department store, he then has to pay € 6 for parking when leaving the car park.