Ich vergesse so viel, wieso?
Heyhey, ich bin 18 und habe ein Problem. Ich vergesse einfach so viel. Beispiel: Ich sage oder frage jemanden etwas, er fragt mich direkt danach was ich gesagt habe und ich habe es dann einfach vergessen. Warum ist das so?
You don’t listen carefully and you’re distracted internally.
You should work on your concantration unf noteworthy, e.g. through meditation, yoga, sports. And ask people only something if you really have the capacity to listen carefully!
That can have many reasons….
– Stress
– Side effects of severe depression
– General withdrawal from social life
– growing up with internet and technology and the brain trains that it would not be necessary to remember everything
Do you ever talk to psychologists and neurologists about it?
Less vape or smoke