Ich trau mich nicht alleine zu kochen?
Ich trau mich nicht alleine zu kochen ohne dass jemand dabei ist, hat jemand irgendwelche Tipps dafür?
Ich trau mich nicht alleine zu kochen ohne dass jemand dabei ist, hat jemand irgendwelche Tipps dafür?
Ich bin keine Frau aber gerade Frauen haben ja oft Eisenmangel und wenn man kein Fleisch isst, ist das doch noch wahrscheinlicher einen Eisenmangel zu bekommen
Sie bekommen täglich frisches Obst oder Gemüse. Sie haben ebenfalls immer Heu in ihrem Stall und bekommen so ca. 1-2mal in der Woche Trockenfutter.
Was ist eurer Meinung dazu https://www.focus.de/gesundheit/eu-laesst-insekten-in-brot-und-kaese-zu-woran-sie-das-erkennen_1c20818c-75e8-4b7d-9e3d-201408d433fd.html
Just don’t do anything else in between. Then it burns nix and it also cooks nix. Listening to music is okay, watching TV isn’t so distracted. Telephoneing is also not very useful when the stove is switched on.
Good preparation helps to shorten time. So know the recipe and pay attention to the order of the information. Usually you do things that need longer first. So while you bake the meat, you can still sniff the vegetables.
Hold order in the kitchen. A free working area next to the stove shortens running paths. So, if you sneak the vegetables next to the shrimping meat, you see if it wants to burn or not. You can also prevent burning by not adjusting the hob too high. Let it be cooked a little slower than the stuff is stuck on the pot.
The right cooking tool is also helpful. Non-stick-coated pans and pots are not available for fun. 🤡
Start with simple dishes and try the difficult ones only when you feel safe in your kitchen with respect to the processes.
If something goes wrong, don’t be sad and don’t give up. This even happens to the stars. As long as the house does not burn completely, everything is repairable. 😆
For seriousness, there are fire extinguishers in range. It’s unwise to have to look for it. Delete fire in pans please not with water. That can go out stupid because of the oil/fat…
Be slept and really fit when you are using sharp knives etc. Work slowly. Don’t worry. Then you don’t have a finger.
Just cook on your own. Only then will you notice that it is not as bad as you imagine.
Stock 14
Thanks for the star!
Pasta, fried egg, potatoes with quark for the beginning. Always put an egg watch that rings when the cooking time is around. Don’t run out of the kitchen when what’s on the stove. Just stay and watch.
You can do this. That’s how all the chefs started. 👍
When I was 13 I wanted to cook eggs. Then a schoolgirl called and we were talking. And I forgot the eggs. 🤦 The water was boiled away, the eggs burned brown, the pot broken. Since then: Egg clock. 😉
Of course I don’t know how old you are and whether that would be stupid to you, but just ask if someone could watch a little if a timer is really set, you didn’t accidentally leave the rice at high level etc. Depending on what you want to cook.
Earlier or later mistakes happen, always and they are instructive, sometimes you can laugh about it later.
As about my hell curry that, because I did not know the difference between sharp and mild chilli, 2x burned and the whole damn day also under the thumbnail as well as in the right corner of the eye AND in the left nostril (although I was really there only 2 hours after the meal, with 10x washed paws but nowjah, it was just a really bad pod. I woke up with oil today but at that time I didn’t know that).
Or coal, they simply forgot, very unbeautiful, but the aroma was not as bad as coal egg, that was not my failure, but my man was full of laughs… that he put a timer, which was then annoyed to push away and nothing to do was semi-cloud. Note: An egg can cook for 50 minutes and is still not soft:P
start small. Maybe nothing to do with oven, stove or the like. Just keep preparing things and then you’ll get up slowly. Ivann you can try to cook some noodles and then continue to increase with the difficulty. But still so that your elders are in career, for the case that something goes wrong
Hello, invite friends and then cook, love greeting
FaceTime with your mother/friends/etc
slow buttons .