ich teile ein zimmer mit meinem Bruder?


meine Eltern gehen bald in Urlaub und nehmen mein Bruder mit. Ich bleibe zuhause und habe sturm. ich möchte meine Freundin einladen aber es ist mir irgendwie peinlich weil ich in einer drei zimmer Wohnung lebe und mir ein zimmer mit meinem Bruder teile. Die Wohnung ist sonst eigentlich sehr modern und so aber sind halt drei zimmer. denkt ihr das ist schlimm also wird sie es komisch finden oder so?wir sind auch nicht arm also ich bekomme was ich will und mache auch a1 führerschein und meine Eltern zahlen alles mit Motorrad also wir sind nicht arm wohnen aber in einer drei zimmer Wohnung


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1 year ago

So if she likes you less, she’s a stupid cow and she doesn’t deserve you. Bingo?

1 year ago

Maybe she finds it a little weird, but she won’t identify you. Maybe she even finds it a bit interesting and will ask you a few questions.

I (m) also shared a room with my one year older sister and no one interested it.

1 year ago

No, she won’t find it weird. Maybe you’re sorry. But you can’t do anything for the situation.

1 year ago

A1 is not a motorbike FS but a lightweight wheel. 125 ccm.Thema to your situation=Yes is embarrassing.I think so.

1 year ago

Three rooms are okay. I can’t find anything weird right now. Who can afford 4 rooms. Be happy that it is so and your parents can help you financially.

1 year ago

I guess it’s more embarrassing that she’s never been with you before and you never told anything about you.

But what? If she likes you, it doesn’t matter if it plays a role, she doesn’t really like you and you can be glad you found it that way and not later…

1 year ago

Yeah, and what is embarrassing about it. Especially in many big cities, rents or prices for condominiums are exorbitantly high, so that even many normal earners (even if both work) cannot afford a huge apartment.

My brother and I always have to share a room, I never felt bad.

And later, your parents may have the advantage that they don’t have to take off when your brother and you take off.