Ich suche Empfehlungen für eine Reisekamera?
Ich habe vor eine Weltreise per anhalter zu machen und habe vor meine reise zu dokumentieren. Dafür brauche ich eine videokammer die relativ robust sein sollte und einen langanhaltenden Akku hat da ich sie nicht täglich aufladen kann. mein buget ist max 800€. bonuspunkte wenn ihr zusätzlich ein externes Mikro vorschlagen könnt.
JVC Everio GZ-R series
zb the RY980 and the 600 series have mW microphone inputs
On the subject of microphone you should know what. The top-class camcorders zoom the steromikofone, so you don’t need a directional microphone and many top-class camcorders have a microphone on the flap display if you want to respond to comments or often there is a separate sound track (comment track or voice over track).
Otherwise the MKE 400 is a versatile directional micro allrounder, works in the subtropics and in rain and is quite favorable. If the Camcorder Plug In Power has it possibly also does an MKE 200 is smaller/lighter and costs half.
I would advise FHD at UHD, the current and storage consumption also rises in square without getting more image quality. Otherwise simply think that many Hollywood blockbusters were shot on 2K/FHD video between 1998 and 2013 (Zb Star Wars 4-6)
You know where I’m gonna get a camera. The manufacturer does not seem to sell it anymore
the JVC Europe video section was sold out during Corona tw or there was a run on tough camcorders that could be more than action cams and smart beans.
Currently there is probably only R205 new to buy and an R445 to UVP from individual dealers. Used/Ocassions with warranty and private can be found on the usual portals in the network (Ebay)
Since I understand that it is a compact camera I can use the Panasonic lumix lx15 new about 500€ and used around the 300€ and the Canon powershot g7x Mark iii new about 700€
Your phone. A few power benches
a robust cover for your handy, with a selfie stick with remote triggering and a strong powerbank. this is both photographically ideal as well as compact and extremely light.
unless your photographic focus on the journey are telephotos with great focal length. this will then be difficult in the backpack if dslr and a 600 zoom along with two other objective good 3 kg.
GoPro with several batteries. If you get an older version, I would recommend a dji mini. Then the top video material.