Ich suche eine Bildbearbeitungs-App, wo man Musik zu Bildern hinzufügen kann?
Ich sehe öfter auf Instagram in den Stories anderer Leute Bilder, die mit Musik unterlegt sind.
Ist das auch auf WhatsApp möglich? Bilder im Status posten und dabei mit Musik unterlegen? Wenn Nein, gibt es eine Bearbeitungs-App für Bilder, wo man Musik hinzufügen kann?
Would also recommend CapCut
And where do I have to go up at CapCut to add music to a picture?
For the first time you have to create a project, you can select the image and then you will find a bar with different symbols below, then you have to press on audio and add the desired music.
Can it explain so well hope it helps anyway
Of course, this is possible everywhere, even at WhatsApp. or wherever you want.
There are many apps to choose from: https://www.media.io/de/slideshow-tips/add-audio-to-photo.html
You can make a video with a picture
I recommend YouCut
rubber ball
Capcut zb. go to Youtube and watch X any video on Capcut.
But what you are looking for is no longer a pure image editing app, as the agility is then available as a video.
For the PC I know XnView and Irfanview, both of which are able to create slideshows with transition effects and audio accompaniment.
On PC I have always used the Windows Media Player.
Sorry, I meant the Windows Movie Maker.
Can insert an audio track on Capcut, for example
Where do I have to go up at CapCut to add music to a photo?
6 best apps to create a photo slideshow with music