Ich stinke ständig, was tun?
Also ich (w14) hab das Problem das ich ständig stinke. Ich war gestern duschen und meine Mutter meinte ich stinke schon wieder stark. Ich weiß nicht ob vielleicht meine Mutter einfach nur sehr geruchsempfindlich ist, denn meine Freunde oder ich merke/n das nicht.
Aktuell bin ich krank und schwitze deshalb viel was dann logischerweise auch stinkt, aber wenn ich nicht krank bin meint meine Mutter auch das ich stinke.
Was kann man dagegen machen wenn man viel stinkt?
Maybe your mother’s exaggerating. On the other hand, if you sweat a lot, it can be that the smell is more intense than normal.
That’s the case with many girls of age. It often goes away from itself. Shower regularly (1x day) and take a good deo (Lavilin and lavera sensitive have helped me).
Some young people have the problem with the smell of puberty. You or other puberting smell like the puberty behind you. This has something to do with the hormone conversion.
Shower or just wash doesn’t bring much. There’s a full bath the best. Half an hour in the tub. After the bath, the pores of the skin are wide open. Now clean the body under the shower with soap and a sponge or a gentle brush. That’s how you flush it out. After showering, rub the softened skin with a PH neutral body lotion. You’ll find that the lotion is much faster than just after the shower. You should avoid perfume because your pores are wide open, so pimples could arise. Now after the shower, don’t wear a lot of clothes. Just stay in the bathrobe for a certain time, so your skin can calm down again.
I’ve been through it myself.
The fact is that many pupils are extremely muffled. This is probably related to the hormone conversion. There’s nothing left for you to shower once a day and wash for a second time at least among the poor, in step and the feet.
You’re in puberty, people usually stink more than adults or children. That’s the hormones.
Daily shower, thoroughly foam with shower gel (especially under the armpits!) and dry well after showering and use Deo directly.
During the day it may also be necessary to wash several times on the sink with soap and then spray deo directly again.
So my son and his friends seem to have a different smell than me. Since the last pregnancy (with him) I am very sensitive to odour and also send him to shower when it’s muffled for me. Deo and especially fresh robe after that are important 😉👍
One should drink 2 – 3 liters of water daily, a lack of water prevents the Poison excretion.
Water collects toxic wastes from various parts of the body and transports them to liver and kidneys so that they can be excreted.
Coffee or tea cannot replace water.
Use every day or every 2nd shower and deo
As I said, I was showering yesterday, and my mother thinks I stink again. So every day showering would bring nothing. I don’t care about Deo. Other deo has nothing.
If neither you nor anyone else notices it is not up to you, maybe she smells herself xD
Then go to the doctor or something
I personally don’t think she stinks.
I’d just assume you don’t stink, because a person’s statement isn’t representative now, even if it’s your mother.
You should ask this question to some neutral people (articles or something). Friends are only moderately honest in this respect.
If you really have a pronounced body odor, this can also have health causes that need to be clarified.
Shower every day in the morning and then take a deo.
Hello, you should tell your pediatrician that there’s a disease behind it.