Ich soll eine Knochenbrühe machen, aber will das nicht?

Ich bin im 1. Ausbildungsjahr in der Diätassistenz und soll morgen in der Lehrküche eine Rinderknochenbrühe machen. Allerdings ekele ich mich davor, diese Knochen anzufassen, zu kochen oder auch nur jeglichen Kontakt damit zu haben. Aus persönlichen und ethischen Gründen. Bin omnivor, also ist Fleisch generell eigentlich kein Problem, mit diesen Knochen aber komme ich irgendwie nicht klar.

Ich bin ziemlich ratlos, was ich jetzt tun kann, weil ich auch die Lehrer nicht nerven oder komisch rüberkommen will. Immerhin habe ich auch Veganer und Vegetarier in der Klasse und die fassen die Knochen auch an.

Ich SOLL eine Knochenbrühe machen, die Knochen wegzulassen ist also glaube ich keine Option und auch nicht Handschuhe anziehen. Ich möchte damit wirklich keinen Kontakt haben.

Habt ihr Ideen, was ich tun könnte oder wie ich vorgehen soll?

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3 months ago

Do you have ideas about what I could do or how to proceed?

Do it!

In many professions there are requirements which are not really intended.

In some professions, night work/night shift is planned.

In other professions one has to do with the excrements of people, or one has to make a decision without standing behind it, which has for example arranged a judge.

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Franz Kafka’s work in labor accident insurance – kg-fds.de

Franz Kafka Accident insurance institution for the Kingdom of Bohemia (short: AUVA) begins in 1908. 1 Kafka is at the time 25 years old, he had his law studies at the German University in Prague in 1906 with a legal

The worker accident insurance – Franz Kafka

In the workers’ accident insurance for the Kingdom of Bohemia Franz Kafka a total of 14 years of life from its beginning on 30.8.1908 to its retirement on 1.7.1922. A proof that he has proven himself to be a vile official there is his official career:

Franz Kafka – a forerunner for industrial protection – Doktus

7. June 2024 Kafka was not just a small insurance worker, as many believe today. It is actually considered a pioneer

3 months ago

You don’t come around. Do it somehow so that you can stop it!

3 months ago

For personal and ethical reasons.

What are these reasons?

Either you can push them aside or you think about another job.

Because you can’t always do what you like.

3 months ago

Do you have ideas about what I could do or how to proceed?

Looking for a new training

3 months ago
Reply to  SstyxXx

yes, such things will always accompany you in your profession, so you are probably working in the wrong industry

3 months ago

then not, much fun tomorrow with the bones

3 months ago

Dss is part of a cook’s career. If you don’t want to do this, put on disposable gloves. There is no other way.

It’s like a doctor who doesn’t want to treat sick patients.

3 months ago
Reply to  SstyxXx

Your training seems to include cooking!?

3 months ago

You seem to have nothing to do in gastronomy if you can’t cook good cow soup…

Just dress disposable gloves and good is…

3 months ago
Reply to  SstyxXx

And where? That you have to pull everything out of your nose…

3 months ago

Yes, it’s a medical profession, but you have to go through it.

As I said, disposable gloves.. Make the chefs in the gastro in the “HYPERSENSIBLEN” 21. Century no different.

3 months ago

Imagine that the bones do not come from an animal or that it is actually not bones, but that are only realistic attractions for an exercise. A friend of mine had once developed the tick that she could not touch wood because she found the feeling and wood totally disgusting. That helped her, maybe that’s something similar.

3 months ago

Maybe wear one-off gloves?

Just think that you do it on behalf of someone and don’t do it yourself.

3 months ago

If you don’t understand, you’ll learn the wrong job. Find yourself another training.

3 months ago

Wrong profession chosen who you don’t do that

3 months ago

Then you chose the wrong profession.

3 months ago

you will have to go through, it won’t be the last time, it happens more often.

if you’re a jerk