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ABITURRRR wann soll man mit dem lernen anfangen?
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wo ist die heißeste Stelle des Bunsenbrenners bei leuchtender Flamme?
ist es bei 700 grad C?
It’s not good for me if it’s a four. Three is still underway
You have to decide that if it is enough for you, it is good. It wouldn’t be good for me personally.
Best regards 🙂
It is satisfactory and sufficient, but not good or inadequate.
So extremely average
Under normal average
If I find neither good nor bad, it would be bad if the notes were hanging behind and you write everything under 4.
Foursome are bad
No, that’s not good, ’cause good would be two.
It doesn’t matter. You can do what you want after that.
Not at all. If you want to study, then you have problems with the application if you only write a 3 or 4
No, this is only true where Germany is an NC and it is important to see how high it is.
During a normal study, everyone who meets the requirements is taken. After studying and for internships during their studies, the grades from their studies count. Have you studied yourself so you know better?
It doesn’t matter where you live. As long as you go to German school and get out with the notes, companies are more interested in students who have a lot of good grades. Apart from this, the application in studies is particularly strict. There counts not only passed degree, but also grades that are necessary for the profession. No bank hires people with a 5 in math.
For me not so good
This is freezing to sufficient.
More bad
OK, main thing you can do the Abi only that matters
That this is not good, but rather bad, you should know yourself.
What are you gonna do after Abi?
With such weak notes, you will notice your possibilities.