Ich schminke mich seit monaten nicht ab?
kann sich jetzt für viele ekelhaft anhören aber ich schminke mich seit über 8 monaten nicht ab ich gehe immer mit schminke schlafen da ich mich täglich schminke und am nächsten morgen schminke ich einfach make up drüber
was für folgen kann das haben?
Decrease may take max. 10 min. It can’t be that hard to wash your face.. If you can make it to make you slim, you can also make it. For me, it’s just gross.
I know one who did that, you saw it. Dark edges under the eyes, floral eyelashes, etc.. Just looked straight. Please try to slim down every day
Extremely unhealthy for the skin in the face and also somehow disgusting
If you wash your face twice a week, you can’t wear makeup on your skin for 8 months.
I think you’re really just doing your whole skin, you’ll get a lot of past wrinkles and look terrible 🙈. Maybe you’ll go to the cosmetics, they’ll explain this to you and look at your skin.
You don’t get dressed, but wash your face twice a week. How does that fit? Is your makeup water solid or what?
Apart from that, you’re hurting your skin. Skin impurities so pimples and co are the result. They can also ignite if they cannot cure.
There are wrinkles, lack of radiation. Brilliant lashes
In short, you look a lot older. If you’re on the profile, you’re already doing this.
This gives you very fast thick pores in the skin.
Isn’t that going to shower?
You haven’t got a pimp yet 😅
Even as a man (hetero) I even know that makeup/make-up clogs your pores in the face, so MUST you slim down 😅
Make up daily.
Is that what you have to look like? Huh?