Ich schaffe es einfach nicht abzunehmen?

Ich (m/22) bin 1.67 groß und wiege zwischen 95-97 Kilo

Seit Jahren versuche ich abzunehmen, aber immer im Supermarkt bin ich dumm und ich kaufe mir fast täglich was süßes und mind 500 ml Energy Drink

Ich trinke evtl mal 500-750 ml Wasser täglich. Außerdem esse ich sehr selten Obst, wenn dann Bananen, sehr selten Gemüse und nie Brot.

Zu Mittag gibts was “normales”

Seit kurzem mache ich 20 Liegestütze, 20 Kniebeugen und 20 Situps täglich.

Ins Fitnesstudio gehe ich nicht, das habe ich schon versucht aber das ist nix für mich.

Habt ihr Tipps, wie ich mich dazu zwingen kann Obst und Gemüse zu essen. Der Geschmack ist nicht das Problem, wenns das ist. Ich kann Tomaten, Gurken, Radischien, etc essen

Ich will sage ich mal in 1 Jahr auf 70 zumindest runter und ja ich weiß, dass ich dann keine Süßes etc mehr essen darf wegen Jojo effekt

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9 months ago

You can try to track your calories exactly. Can write it down or use apps. Then you see how much you actually take per day to you

Your basic sales can also give you Google about your size, daily application and weight etc. Angibst.

In the end, you can eat what you want. Of course something sweet. It’s just about being in the calorie deficit.

You could even lose chocolate, only you will quickly fix the problem that you want to use your calories for healthy food, so that you don’t get sick because you lack the nutrients and you’re also fed up because you can eat a lot more healthy than healthy calories.

Try to look at it like a game….all that has sugar in it, like Cola, many ready meals, candies… Marshmallows….all this should shine red with you….because I’m thinking, for example, how tasty I find the food and it’s worth it like a lot of calories that has….when I prepare a lasagna myself, then there’s a lot of protein in it, but of course it still has a lot of fat and carbohydrates, and therefore a lot of calories… Nevertheless, healthy things like mouth in and good meat, less noodles.

If I’m looking for something sweet at the supermarket and I want to buy it I’m looking at the back for the packaging and that’s what I’m really looking for when I look like 500 calories per little bag…. I’ve been eating up in 5 minutes, I’m just hungry for it or I want to eat more in general…. completely unhealthy, there wasn’t one thing great and no proteins.

Look that you exchange your drinks through water or Zero stuff and keep in mind what calories you actually have and whether it doesn’t scare you

9 months ago
Reply to  Gimmesalt

Good tip to read the small print on the packs! I feel the same if I dislike a pack and read the ingredients list.

9 months ago

You have to stay strong when shopping. Avoid the candy department best or look right elsewhere, which you can’t see can’t seduce you so easily.

A lot of drinking is important to keep a large bottle of water close to you. For taste you can also clean lemon, fresh mint etc.

Fitness studio is not mine at all. But how about cycling or walking? Best in an area you don’t know well, then you won’t get bored because you see something else. It’s easy to move, even if you take the stairs instead of the elevator, when you get out a stop earlier and walk the rest on foot, if you don’t lie passively on the sofa while watching TV, you get up and running back and forth, or so, little things that make you change habits for the beginning.

Vegetables can be cut small and beautifully colored, put it to your water bottle, and if you need something between your teeth without really hungry you can simply access there instead of eating directly sweet stuff and chips.

And also very important: do not prohibit everything completely! Such a changeover takes time, and if you just bend sweets, the desire for it becomes bigger. So if you occasionally eat some sweetness, don’t make any accusations, enjoy a little bite and then focus on your goal again.

9 months ago
Reply to  Lul20000

Fear of dogs is bad, they’re almost everywhere. But if it might help you a bit: dogs without leash are usually the well-trained ones who do nothing to you, you can only walk a dog without leash if you are sure that he comes immediately when you call him. I do a big bow for the fishermen, because the owner often has no control and therefore has to pay him.

9 months ago

Maybe an app will help you with your calories. Then you don’t have to completely dispense with the food you love, but only reduce its amount.

9 months ago

What’s normal? I think your pain isn’t big enough or you don’t have a clear target where you want to go. Clear weight loss, but why?

Maybe it helps you split your day. Why are you even going to the supermarket? Do you have your own household? Then discipline and willpower helps with your Why! You should define your why. And today you can tell yourself: if I go back to the supermarket and I buy again, I did not reach my goal for HEUTE. You also have a self-worth problem. Because you get self-confidence if you can trust yourself. You want to lose weight, but all the time you are. How are you supposed to trust?

9 months ago
Reply to  Lul20000

Wow, I’m sorry. And that’s a real poverty certificate for those who did it. You’ll find something else that’s not for others, but for you? Do you even like yourself? If no, then maybe it’s because you think you deserve to be treated like that?

9 months ago

Depends on your age, maybe a (good!) coach will help you!

9 months ago

Whether you’re bare edible fruit, makes little difference, too much sugar has both.

But it does not come to sugar, but to the whole calorie balance. You have to eat less than you consume or consume more than you eat.

You can also achieve this with candy, but then you quickly have nutrient deficiency.

9 months ago
Reply to  Lul20000

Fruits taken away from water or fruit juice fingers…Oven is healthy because it has plenty of water and therefore volume….so you can eat many fruits like this…. dried fruit is like sweets and juice is also crap because you don’t have to eat it….transfer times how many apples you should eat for 1 liter of apple juice that you can drink as much.

9 months ago
Reply to  Lul20000

Fruit contains virtually no vitamins, this is only sugar and water. Vitamins are in vegetables and in quantities. Fruit also has an incredible number of calories, vegetables do not.

If you don’t have a discipline, you won’t be able to take off, even with fruit.

9 months ago

Don’t talk my apple badly…you pretend fruit is the most harmful thing you could eat, so honestly xD

9 months ago

Even fresh fruit has inconspicuously many calories and unnecessarily much fruit sugar, which is high-quality lever-damaging. You shouldn’t eat fruit like that.

9 months ago

Just be willing.