Ich schaff es nicht ein wochenden kein Alkohol zu trinken ?
ja die Frage stehe scho im Titel ich schaffe es nie ein wohnenden ohne Alkohol zu „überstehen“ was soll ich da machen ich weis nicht wie ich davon wegkomme ich bin alleine und trinken trotzdem was, an anderen Wochenende trinke ich mit Freunden, und wenn diese Freunde mal nicht trinken wollen, dann trinken ich alleine könnt ich mir Tipps geben wie ich meinen Alkoholkonsum beenden kann?
Good to see you!
If you find it difficult to regulate or stop consumption independently, you could contact a consultancy office in a confidential and non-binding manner. There you can help.
Look here: https://www.kenn-dein-limit.info/beratungsstellenfinder/
Good luck!
Do you want to make it? Then go to a meeting. https://www.anonyme-alcoholiker.de/meetings/meetingssuche/
For example, if you need help, you can contact the search advice of the Caritas or other charitable facilities. Simple search advice to googles and be advised in low-swelling. I’ve already used it and was very satisfied.
How to make a therapy or withdrawal (of course under professional supervision). because who definitely can’t do it without alcohol has a decent alcohol problem and should be treated against it. Because without help from outside, you will no longer get away from it.
The only thing you can do is look for help from the outside and don’t buy any more alcohol and live with the withdrawal symptoms. However, if you also do not mean any food containing the alcohol to you.
If it were so easy to buy alk
I just stopped by myself from this morning. It can work. Or look for a search counselor
How did you do that?
I just had no desire for all the repercussions the next day. At that time there were also bad panic attacks. But after 5 weeks I’d like a beer again. I also drank alone
Deprived in a clinic.
Then you have an alcohol problem and need a corresponding therapy.
Search hobbies.
I play hockey, I play handball, and go to the fire department (voluntary)
Then do it instead of baptizing. You’re not depending.
It’s always okay. Don’t have to drink every time.
Yes I also don’t think I’m dependent, but there’s just always situations to baptize e.g. soon (firefight potency drink) handball after every victory. Hockey after every victory or hat trick. Or just go with friends in n Kneipe on weekends